Though the room felt vast and large, the crowd number made Raa feel like it wasn't big enough. Her small body kept tightly to Voira while her face scanned the crowds for a familiar sight, namely someone she knew, and found herself disappointed when she failed. This fact coupled with earlier events had made her rather edgy now causing RK's voice to hack into the headphones and spark conversation. To everyone looking her direction, Raa looked like she was carrying a conversation with herself. It was something abnormal and strange, that is until they took in account her AI and its abilities. Then it would all make sense, including the worrisome looks casted her way during her ignorance. Both Avatar and Voira were on high alert since the strange Turians, a matter Raa, personally, rather much forget. Ignoring the tension of her companions, she absorbed the scenery. There wa sparse decoration as the room took on a more business manner with tables lined up beside each other and by chairs tucked into each side, allowing some of the delegates to already take a seat. The meeting looked like it would get underway anytime as Raa started to left Voira’s side for her own seat, her mind a swirling bunch of nerves, before she stopped dead in her tracks. A message started to come over her communications only to be cut off in its infancy making her unsettled, her eyes widened in surprise and hand came over her helmet side. RK had picked up on the glitch and already proceeded to scan the result. Her program busy trying to reestablish communications, reroute the data and scrub the earlier opening of the channel to determine issues. RK idly listened to the Geth rattle off his progress while he paused, his query about the radio received and returned with an affirmation that the radios were still up yet not broadcasting beyond the station itself. Something unnatural unless… it was by designed. “RK, what’s going on?” Raa asked, her voice starting to begin to worry and fret, her hand still held over her interface. She noticed she wasn’t the only one that was unsettled about the silent transmission. Raa sense, more than saw, Voira pull in beside her causing her head to twist about to watch the older Asari. A blue, translucent shielding came up between her and the others before fading, the only indication it was there was the hairs rising on the back of her neck. For a moment her breath sucked in deeply, holding in her chest, her body frozen in place at noting Voira’s earlier curse. Raa knew this wasn’t going to be good. The delegates were left still mumbling, their voices becoming quite disquiet, before the local security started to stir. Their figures reaching to lock the doors, imprisoning them into one room as Raa’s breath stilled within her environmental suit. It all happened rather quickly. First moment the guard nearest was about to bend over and input data to seal them in, next instant there was a loud buzzing followed by sparks and Avatar took him down with a smack to the skull back. The Turian crumbled like wet paper as the humans phrased it, leaving the door wide open. Raa flinched at the scene, her hands curled up protectively over her heart. This couldn’t be happening. Not here or not, she thought with fear rippling through her mind. All hell broke loose. Several bullets flow towards the Geth’s direction, their guns opened fire, as Raa gasped in panic. Her body made to duck and protect herself only to be jerked by Voira’s hand gripping her arm. Her body was shoved forward, her body crashing into the far wall when the rest of the crowd stampeded through. Legs wobbled and shook when she tried to stand, only to get pushed and shoved back down to be trampled underneath many feet. She felt her body once again pulled upright, her legs wobbly and shaken, barely able to support herself, as she was shoved down the hallway. Raa could hear the screaming, gun shot, and sounds of botics in the room behind them. Raa was so focus on running she was far less observant of her surroundings, so when Voira tugged her towards another direction she slammed right into the Asari. Voira barely seemed to have noticed as the asari pushed her inside quickly. It was then, her legs, jello now regardless of the strength they had earlier, chose to crumble from under her. She collapsed onto her knees and started to shake, her arms holding herself to make it stop. Raa’s head jerked upright when she heard Voira’s boots step closer. The bright eyes studied her all over, likely seeking signs of injury, while her words echoed through Raa’s mind. The quarian shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Just bruised and banged up, nothing ba-” Her words stopped when she spotted the thin, purple line that leaked over her suit. Raa stared while trying to registered the reason. Realization hit her like a bolt causing her jerk, her hands unwrapped herself and her eyes examined the wound. “Voira you’ve been shot! Are you alright?!?”