[@James Davy][@bowtiesrcool86] Oberon was startled by Titania's greeting and cautiously sent her a response. Meanwhile Ryan was looking at the Pokeball in his hand. "Yeah. This did seem pretty easy. Almost as if it wanted to be caught." Ryan got up and looked at Titania. "Titania. How would you go about determining whether someone has psychic potential. I just formed a hypothesis that I could be one." Ryan asked as he looked at her. He thought of all the times where he communicated with a Pokemon, trying to talk to them even though they couldn't talk back. And even so, he felt as if he could understand them better than people. [i]"A ridiculous question. The only way to find out if you're a Psychic is by doing this."[/i] Suddenly Ryan felt a foreign presence in his head as Oberon dug around his mind for... something. Ryan suddenly snapped his head back and his eyes turned a light blue. "Oh. That's how you find out." His eyes turned back to their normal color and he collapsed on the ground. He was awake, but he was so tired. He reached for Oberon's Pokeball and looked at him. "Do you want to go in your Pokeball now?" Oberon simply shook his head and got on Ryan's chest. "Can someone take me to the Pokemon Center? I don't think I can get up."