Everything went by quickly. Asuka soon found herself alone in the stand. She'd consented to Luca and Yuki going, but Hideaki left too. [color=9e0039]"Tch... That's jerk always half asses things I'm involved in."[/color] She said calmly as she continued to run the stand for a bit longer. Soon enough though things were sold out. Luca's father was right. She was persistent. But that was good. Especially now. She made more than enough. So nobody had a problem with her closing up early and going to walk around by herself for a bit. She had a little bit of her own pocket money. She got to walk around and enjoy things and even purchase a few things the mask placed on her head, though her face was uncovered for the most part. She was enjoying the free, alone time. That is... until she saw the fireworks. [color=9e0039]"Geez... What's this now?" [/color]She asked herself as she bit into her food. Soon it was gone. She had to check out the shrine. There was something weird with those fireworks. She wasn't walking slowly, but her movements were a bit restricted in the Yukata. [color=9e0039]"Ugh... The price of looking nice."[/color] She sighs.