Charging towards the last of the robots, which seemed to be staggering around with its arm missing after being caught in Was's explosion, Idaho blasted her entire clip into it, only for the tough body armour to leave her opponent still standing. Leaping forward with a throaty growl Kimmie launched herself at the machine, knocking it to the floor with a bodyslam before straddling its chest and smashing her butt of her rifle into its head again and again until nothing remained except smashed and broken components. Remembering what Wash had said the pink Spartan quickly spun round on the robot's chest, a maneuver she'd perfected during college spring break, and quickly started to smash apart its crotch as well, battering her rifle into the reinforced metal until both it and the robot were reduced to scrap while roaring in primeval rage. As she stood up, tossing her bent and twisted rifle aside, Idaho quickly snatched up the robot's weapon and checked the chamber to make sure it was loaded. [color=f49ac2]"Well, that was fun."[/color] Kimmie said over the radio with a smile, turning to see another group of mechanical men approaching through the side door, with Montana already storming over to greet them. With a smile and a skip in her step the former cheerleader headed over to help smash up some more government property, [color=f49ac2][i]Just like at cheer camp,[/i][/color] she thought to herself happily. Reaching down to her belt, Kimmie plucked her last grenade from where it had been hanging as she closed in on the tightly packed squad.