[hider= Kipling Baye] [centre][img]http://oi57.tinypic.com/2hn73mc.jpg[/img] [i]Does not carry knives, instead carries elaborately decorated coin pouches. For show mostly.[/i] [hider= Flesh-Eater Toothfairy] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1b/b0/dc/1bb0dcb433056af3ae0eb73b479c0b54.jpg[/img] [i]A single fairy is an irritation, three fairies are a nuisance, fifteen fairies are an infestation, thirty are a plague, and one-hundred are a Biblical apocalypse. These tiny six inch bastards will gnaw their way through almost anything for a fleshy meal and eat like winged piranhas as a chaotic swarm of happy smiles.[/i] [/hider] [/centre] [h3]Generic Information[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Kipling Baye [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Height:[/b] 5’8 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Homosexual [h3]Psych Profile[/h3] [b]Traits[/b] [list] [*] Straightforward - He isn’t one to dance around feelings or fluff-up bad news because time is money. [*] Organized - Neat and tidy. For Kipling, a perfect world fits together like a puzzle even if some pieces need to be smashed into place. [*] Confident - He is proud and stands tall, knowing most people can be bought for a price or with a threat. [list] [*] [u]Monster:[/u] [b]Quick[/b] as horseflies. [*] [u]Monster:[/u] [b]Relentless[/b] like a bad itch. [*] [u]Monster:[/u] [b]Small[/b] enough to miss. [/list] [/list] [b]Flaws[/b] [list] [*] Pathological liar - Who needs the ugly truth when a lie is always pretty? [*] Temperamental - As the only male offspring, Kipling was allowed to grow-up with a high sense of self importance and entitlement. To doubt him or his right to highborn privileges could mean becoming an early dinner. [*] Gluttonous - Keeping a monstrous appetite at bay is a constant feeding frenzy and necessary to keep one’s mouth busy from wanting the flesh of friends and companions. [list] [*] [u]Monster:[/u] [b]Highly flammable.[/b] [*] [u]Monster:[/u] [b]Highly distractible.[/b] [*] [u]Monster:[/u] [b]Highly squashable.[/b] [/list] [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] As a merchant’s only bastard boy whose father found success in cheaply-made spare parts, only to piss most of the fortune away in booze, women, and countless other bad investments-- the son was obligated to take over the family business for better or for worse. Despite having his whore mother’s delicate features and looks, Kipling was a fierce supervisor from the start who fired men over a single moment of tardiness and belittled others into obedience. His iron fist helped rebuild and regain the Baye name to its former glory; however, if merely in appearances and not entirely by money. A comfortable life style was never enough and would never be enough regardless of the heads one needed to step upon to cross the muk. Honest work never brought the coin in fast enough and competitors stole good business, which lead one thing to another, and young Baye quickly found himself dealing in mud and blood to secure what he needed under the guise of merchant. It was enough to build a dirty reputation, but a respected reputation nonetheless and not too soon was the new Master Baye surrounded in posh upper company. The only surprise for when his own exclusive invitation to one of Lord Nixus’ prestigious masquerades arrived was that the blasted letter hadn’t been delivered sooner. With every intention of being noticed, Kipling spared no expense to have himself peacocked for the event and planned to exhaust any meanings at his disposal to catch the Lord’s eye. He needed a powerful partner in his pocket to increase and dominate his hand in the market, but possibly for bed as well, with fantasized ideas of never having to work another day in his life. After a blatant tantrum upon discovering the party’s host would not be present, the flustered young master was interrupted from leaving and pleasantly shocked to be summoned for a meeting. Alone. With his lordship. It all seemed like a dream. It started as a dream and ended as a nightmare. There was little he could do when the dark man turned on him--leaving with more than a brand on his lower back and broken ego. Kipling has accepted his role as loyal servant by means of survival and the benefits that have come with his new abilities as a half creature. He is careful not to reveal himself to the lowly humans; although, he relishes in being in the talk of monster rumors and the fear it has earned him amongst his enemies. For now, he is able to combat his hunger and contain the restless frenzy inside him, but for how long is unclean and some nights are starting to become blank. [b]Character Motivation:[/b] To no longer be known as the town drunk’s bastard heir and he’s not afraid of becoming a monster to do so. [b]Opinion Of Others:[/b] [hider=You know what I think?] [b]Adelia Sophia Marsden:[/b] "She's the messiest person alive. Everywhere she goes--there's a puddle of water! 'Oh, look. Is that a water stain on the couch? Adelia must've been here.' ECK!" [b]Edwyn Trethclyde:[/b] “I heard he killed his own father and then tried to kill his brother, too. People like that shouldn’t be allowed to walk free just because they have the money to keep the authorities quiet.” [b]Elia Louisa Reinhardt:[/b] “You haven’t heard? She’s actually a man. Anyone can build the right parts with the right pieces especially a [i]mechanical genius[/i]. Hmph, disgusting.” [b]Goram Dorr:[/b] “Goram? He reminds me of a bear. The cute kind that sit in forests and eat leaves all day or wear tiny hats.” [b]Gwendolyn Argall:[/b] “What a sad story... Don’t even get me started. That poor girl is so incredibly contagious. Oh! But, you didn’t hear that from me.” [b]Linta Höhyener:[/b] “Ooh, so impressive. If my daddy was a general, maybe I’d be a commander, too. Some people have to work for their promotions, you know.” [b]Lizbeth D'Veaux:[/b] “Once she bit the tongue off a customer and still made him pay her for services. I know the man’s sister, she told me everything. He has to eat out of a straw now.” [b]Mariah Amor:[/b] “[i]Her?[/i] She’s sleeping with all her brothers. She isn’t dumb, she’s just had all the brains ****ed out of her.” [b]Tellion Velkfur:[/b] “Who? Never heard of him. How should I know the name of every brat in the countryside?” [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] As a side effect of his darker side, Kipling is prone to biting and often will not hesitate to take a nip. Whether or not he breaks the skin is entirely up to his stomach. [/hider]