Phil's eyes widened as the prior Appling guard approached him and, after taking the ear bashing, he replied in shock. "Y-yes, don't worry. I and all of us are here to protect the people". Phil paused and, before he could continue, lost his opportunity to talk to him. After he left, Ethan stated "I think it's time you explain what the Vygorns are, and why I seem to be the only Elemental who has never heard of them". Phil thought about how to go about it and then said to the group "Ok, Let's head inside and I'll explain. I need to talk to that man". Prompting the rest of the group to follow, Phil headed inside the building but was quickly stopped by a guard who patted him down, oblivious to the fact that everyone in the group could conjure their weapons. After everyone was cleared to enter, Phil started to explain "Vygorns are an alien race that take on the form of humans, they control and... worship? their own anti-element, Void. Void is the complete opposite of every element as it adsorbs the energy from the world and everything it touches. The reason you may have never heard of them is because they only revealed themselves about 10 years ago, even though they have been around for hundreds of years. Any other questions?" he said as he started walking down a corridor towards the area deemed "Control Room".