[b]"My Lord Inqusitor, can we hear the name of the island we are going to specifically? Also I assume we aren't going down to this planet dark are we? You do have someone on the inside who can serve as the foundations for this mission?"[/b] Osilus asked, [b]"Yes, I will be detailing our plan in a moment. As for my man on the inside... He... May not be as reliable as many would like, but his skill is impeccable. He is a very busy man, and I imagine that he may not value the matters of the Inquisition as much as his own."[/b] Inquisitor Zhevon shrugged, [b]"If he is not present, we will have to... Mingle."[/b] He finished, his voice full of discomfort at the mention of mingling with nobles. [b]"I can scry the planet's sphere for an abnormalities, tensions or arcane influences. If this missing page is of any major importance or significance, it is bound to leave ripples in the psychic weave of the planet's population."[/b] Adrianne spoke up, [b]"If I may ask, Inquisitor. What was the median age of the missing guardsmen?"[/b] [b]"Good, I will have to ask you to scry for such things soon, perhaps right before we leave for the planet."[/b] He replied to her comment about scrying. Although he wasn't sure what kind of page it was, there was a good chance that her scrying may turn something up. [b]"The median age of the missing guardsmen is 18, for all of the Guardsmen regiments currently stationed there. These Regiments are young and untested, they're here to earn a little bit of fighting experience before they go into the real battles."[/b] He explained. [b]"Posing as bodyguards? No uniforms for us troopers?"[/b] Ben asked, [b]"No need for any uniforms. You could catch any sort of armor or weapon on the black markets throughout the Imperium, for a sum of Thrones. Don't be surprised if you see other bodyguards wearing well known Imperial Guard equipment, despite having never served."[/b] Zhevon explained, he paused, [b]"Sergeant Duren, I apologize for bringing you to such a place, full of imitators and Orks, but if there are cults here, we will have to face them, and I will have to call upon your skill."[/b] Then, Stukov spoke up. Inquisitor Zhevon was interested to see what the Armsman would have to say. First, he spoke to the Interrogator. [b]"Can't know everything in advance, Interrogator. Plan for the worse, pray for the best, and expect to enact the worse case plans."[/b] Stukov said. A smart thing to know on the battlefield. However, Zhevon usually didn't have a plan beyond 'go here and do this', now though, he would have to formulate some more in depth plans now that his mission required a bit of intrigue. He then replied to the Psyker. [b]"Forgive the ignorance, psyker, but what would the strain of sweeping an entire planet be like? I don't want to see another daemon come crawling out of your poor head and rip the ship a new ass, most certainly not something I want to see happen again. No offense intended, just a security consideration."[/b] Stukov then voiced his own concerns about the uniforms, [b]"Along that line of thinking, I don't own anything outside of spare combat fatigues. I won't speak for the others, but if we are going to blend in as visitors and said visitor's bodyguards, we'll need disguises since uniforms are not terribly concealing."[/b] [b]"If it troubles any of you, I'll allow you to use my personal wardrobe, there should be something there to your liking."[/b] Inquisitor Zhevon offered, his wardrobe was a rather large room full of various clothing and armors, of many styles and of both gender. Some were gifts, others were purchases. He was a bit of a hoarder. He then grabbed his Null Rod and held it up, [b]"If there are any issues regarding Psykers, an activated Null Rod will shut down any warp related powers in a 3 meter radius, much like how a Blank is unaffected by the warp, the Null-Rod nullifies any warp presence."[/b] He explained, wiggling the obsidian rod a little, [b]"They [i]are [/i]exceedingly rare. I'll see about trying to get you one. They do come with their own dangers though."[/b] He warned, holstering the inactive rod. [b]"Now then, let's continue."[/b] [center][img]http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/6/20/379468_sm-Artwork,%20City,%20Copyright%20Games%20Workshop,%20Imeprium,%20Warhammer%2040,000.jpg[/img][/center] [b]"We will be going to the biggest island first, called [i]Iaj[/i]. This is where biggest spaceport is, and thus where all offworlders arrive first. The island specializes in markets of all sorts and leisurely staying, while featuring little bits of all the other islands. The place is full of advertisement, trying to convince visitors to come to the smaller islands. I expect that page we are looking for will not be on this particular island, but people who know where it is, will be. If my spy has decided to work with us today, we will be given a direction. If not, we'll have to try and make a lucky guess."[/b] [b]"Since we are going to a location with mostly a civilian population, if you have an overly large weapon,"[/b] Zhevon glared at Gregor, [b]"You'll have to hide it in a rucksack of some sorts. As to not alert anyone.[/b] Gregor replied with a simple, [b]"Right."[/b]