The ship's alert systems went off as soon as Ramia begn her attack, small hatches opened up on the flanks of the ship and defensive drones begun pouring out, firing lasers at the attacking flightsuit. The hengars begun to open up slowly and people could be seen running inside, climbing up in small fighters and starting up the engines. Eight fighters took off and into the space, chasing after Ramia's flightsuit with quad-laser cannons. Inside the ship the red lights bgun to flash, marines begun to take defensie positions around strategic locations, they were of no threat to the small band since their way inside wasn't the most direct one to take. However, something did stand in their way soon enough. It was a group of five men, four of them behind strategic covers, aiming at them and one standing in the middle of them. They were no marines, their combat armor and equipment did not match. Another band of mercs perhaps? Their obvious leader lifts his chin and grins.”Well well well. We seem to have a little infestation here.”