[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kt3Y8dO.png[/img][h1] Fallen Heroes[/h1][/center] [i]Super Smash Brothers. The name has lost all meaning. No kinship exists between the characters; they have long since cast aside the spirit of competition for cutthroat cruelty, allowing the darkness within their hearts to consume their souls, warping their minds, destroying any sense of their selves. Once great heroes, now broken inside and out. These are the Fallen. The world of trophies, now ruled by the Council of Thirteen. The decimated, desolate lands once inhabited by vibrant Nintendo characters, now lying in ruin from the iron fists of the thirteen most powerful of the Fallen. Their very names strike terror into the hearts of the weak, the feeble, the craven. Their very homes in ruin, their souls condemned to their madness and lust for power and control. I see what has become of them, and I weep at the destruction of the gentle hand of competition in favor of cruel despotism. But lo, what do I see before me? I see characters whose hearts still swell with light, who remain Unbroken, untouched by corruption, yet dismayed at the chaos that surrounds them. The few spots of light within the tumultuous darkness. By virtue of their strong ideals, they remain above the madness that plagues the rest of the World of Trophies. The fate of the World of Trophies rests in their hands... only they can bring the Fallen back to salvation.[/i] [hr] This RP has the players taking the roles of characters from [i]Super Smash Bros.[/i] in a post-apocalyptic era. Here's the synopsis: the mindset of Smash Bros. has corrupted much of the roster and driven them to madness. These are the Fallen, and the main villains in the roleplay. Meanwhile, the Unbroken, or characters who have not fallen to madness or who are not in the SSB3DS/WiiU roster, will rise up to overthrow the Fallen regime and save the World of Trophies from the Fallens' authoritarian despotism. [hr] [center][h1]WE'RE ALWAYS OPEN[/h1][/center] [hr] [hider=Character Sheet]Character Sheet: Name, and what game they're from. (Replace those words with "CHARACTER NAME (Game of Origin, Year of Release(optional))") Image: Attributes: (These include whether the character is lightweight, middleweight, or heavyweight, their movement speed, and other properties such as the quality of jump, etc.) Attacks: Neutral: Side tilt: Up tilt: Down tilt: Dash attack: Forward smash: Up smash: Down smash: Neutral aerial: Forward aerial: Back aerial: Up aerial: Down aerial: Grab: Pummel: Forward throw: Back throw: Up throw: Down throw: Floor attack (front): Floor attack (back): Floor attack (trip): Edge attack: Specials: Neutral special: -Custom 1: -Custom 2: Side special: -Custom 1: -Custom 2: Up special: -Custom 1: -Custom 2: Down special: -Custom 1: -Custom 2: Final Smash: Taunts: Up taunt: Side taunt: Down taunt: Alternate colors: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Palutena's Guidance (optional):[/hider] [hr] QUESTIONS! [b]1.) Can we use characters NOT from the Smash roster?[/b] By all means! Any character who originates from a video game has been or will be on a Nintendo console or handheld is fair game. So Rayman, Toad, and even Octodad are viable options. [i]However, Goku and Naruto are NOT, since they are from anime. Also, cool as it may be to have him in Smash, Freddy Fazbear is an example of another unviable character, since he does not appear on any Nintendo console.[/i] [b]2.) How will combat work?[/b] There will be two types of combat in this roleplay: player vs. player, and player vs. NPC. I'm expecting battles against armies of mooks (NPCs) to be well-written at the discretion of the players. In terms of player vs. player, you MAY have multiple attacks in one post; however, make sure you respond to each one. That way we don't have something like: "And then Mario punched Link and awkwardly stood in the same position waiting for Link's next move!" ...and the action flows relatively smoothly. [b]3.) Wait... there are so many characters! How are we going to allocate them all?[/b] This roleplay's going to play much like [i]The Subspace Emissary[/i] in that characters will appear in clusters together, and players will take control of each character. I will always make sure that there are enough characters for every person to have at least one. [b]4.) So if everyone's playing different characters, what'll happen to the sheets I submit?[/b] These sheets are to add characters to the roster, but that does not necessarily mean the person who submitted it absolutely has to play as that character when the time comes. That being said, people who submit sheets for characters will have first dibs on that character, unless, of course, they don't wish to play as that character. If any sheets are submitted after the RP starts, I'll do my best to fit them in. I intend fully to keep this always open so as not to shut people out. [b]5.) Will characters... *gulp* [i]die?[/i][/b] Actually, no, they won't. Characters, however, may be turned into trophies via KO'ing, or through the narrative. I will let you know in the OOC which characters shall suffer that fate. [b]6.)I want to submit a new character! Where do I put my sheets?[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/81597-super-smash-bros-fallen-heroes-interest-check-sign-ups/ooc]Right in this thread.[/url]