Advanced - it's just how I write 1 on 1 - for me it's faster and keeps me sane Historical - the Roman period just allows for a swath of possibilities for stories, but I don't drive for die-hard accuracy. Fantasy - see the aforesaid on inaccuracies, it also allows for things like magic, mythical creatures, and Devine interference. Mature - let's face it, it could be for all sorts of reasons, though it's unknown whether those reasons appear. I just like to hedge my bets as that I'm a woman long in the world, and all sorts of things happen. All the above being said, I'm a writer and GM who's been gaming since AD&D was on the market, and writing longer. I enjoy a good sordid tale of mystery, murder, intrigue, and fantasy, and am looking for another soul to collaborate with. Yes, I tend to write female leads, but as a writer, secondary characters of any gender or orientation is just another part of the human aspect to work with. So, the setting, mythical Rome complete with mythical creatures, seers, priests, slaves, merchants, etc. Dependant on the player, the story/game can take place anywhere within the bounds of the Empire, from a farm in the country to a nobleman's villa. Characters can be merchants, slaves, nobles, etc. In short, it revolves around who wants to play. Speaking of which, and I tend to write on Google Docs rather than in forums. It allows for an ease of editing, as well as privacy because, honestly, I feel rather embarrassed about my writing, I.e. Is it entertaining. Please contact me if you're interested, either here or at my email moonrabbitwoman at gmail dot com And my sincere thanks for reading this!