[hider=Cinis Vulcan] 1) Basic info: Name: Cinis Vulcan Team/occupation: Species: Human Age: 17 Sex: Female Hand Dominance: Right Aura/Effects: A dull and muddy red with hints of grey and black. Her Aura does not shine so much as smolder. Symbol: A phoenix, wings out spread, turning into ash. Physical traits:N/A Misc traits: N/A Nickname(s): Ciis (Sis) or Ciisy ( Sissy) 2) Appearance: Height:5'6'' Weight: 125 lbs Eyes: Soot black Face: Rounded with full checks giving them a childish appearance, expressive eyebrows, with a somewhat upturned nose. Tan, bronzy skin. Hair: Long and straight, reaching to her mid thigh, black as pitch Physique: athletic, well rounded, and well defined. Most similar to that of an Olympic sprinter. A great deal of length in her limbs. Combat Outfit: A gun metal grey top, backless with long tight sleeves, black metal bracers around the cuffs. Matching metal shoulder guards adorn her shoulders. both cuffs and shoulder guards are decorated with a red enameled pattern of fire. A similarly styled black battle skirt reminiscent of a gladiators armored skirt. Casual Outfit: When not in her battle gear or beacon gear she tends to wear A grey-blue pencil skirt, a long sleeve, formal red blouse. 3) Characteristics: Personality: Cinis is best, and most politely, described as driven. She has this tendency to focus on the task before her with a maddening single-mindedness. As if she was a bloodhound on the scent of a fox, she is rarely ever side tracked or distracted from whatever her goals is at the time. While it often makes her reluctant to help or be involved with others, it not something she has any sort of distaste for nor has it ever prevented her from working with others, especially those assigned to her. Though her passionately focused nature can make her seem abrasive to those who are less dedicated to their tasks. To that end, it would be fair to say she is hard working, and while is she certainly no academic master, her unwavering work ethic does provide her with more knowledge than some. Background: To know Cinis, you will have to also know a bit of her family history. The Vulcan family has a long and unique history. Long ago they were a respected clan of hunters. Several generations back the clan went from warrior to entrepreneur. They owned a good deal of land that included minor range of ore rich mountains, with a semi-dormant volcano in the center of the range. The family became a major provider of various metals, providing half of their wealth, and source of extremely high quality earth, fire, and lava dust. Through many decades of mining, the volcano became too unstable to safely extract the earth and fire dust from, and that began the Vulcan Family troubles. Practically overnight half of the companies source of revenue was gone. The years following were a desperate and slowly failing struggle to remain afloat. They leaned heavily on the mines, increasing the output to keep from having to cut hundreds of workers, but this was a band aid at best. The Vulcan family heads were to afraid to try a new direction, developed other potential produces, or business models and clung desperately to the hope of reopening the volcano dust mines. They wasted millions of dollars in finding ways to safely mine the dust, but every attempt was a failure. Some were even disastrous resulting in the loss of not just the lives of workers but to members of the small city that surrounded the mines. Cinis was one of several children born to the most recent generation of the Vulcan family. The fourth youngest of 6 as a matter of fact. The family is in more dire straits than ever. She was raised by fretful and distracted parents who were more worried by the survival of their business than anything else. The Children helped mostly helped raise one another. While not lonely it was not the most nurturing environment for the young. They made a game of entertaining one another by going through the family histories and finding and sharing stories from the glory days of when they were a clan of hunters. One fateful day her and her oldest brother where in town to sell a collection of the family hunting relics to help fund the company, there was a terrible rumble from the volcano. There had been another attempt to mind dust from the unstable volcano today, and it was clearly failing. While the volcano didn't blow, the disturbance did enrage local grim and they quickly descended into the village. He brother took up arms with the family heirloom weapons to help defend the village and his sister. Brave and valiant he may have been he was no trained warrior and eventually the grim over powered and badly wounded him. Cinis, filled with rage at the creature that injured her sibling, took up the fight in his place. her and the other villagers pushed the grim back. Her brother injuries were serious, and he was never quite the same emotional or physically. Her parents seemed to care more that the latest attempt to reopen the dust mines had failed and than that their heir had been crippled due to their foolishness. It was from that point that Cinis vowed that she would not involve herself in the Vulcan Mining company and would peruse the path of a hunter, as her ancestors had. Hopefully she would become a mighty enough hunter that the Vulcan family name would hold the honor it once did and not be thought of as company of narrow minded fools. 4) Combat info: Position/Class: Tank/heavy hitter Landing strategy: Using Carbonis's cannon setting, she used the powerful kick back to slow her fall and clear her landing zone. While she still ended up with light injuries form hitting the ground with significant force, they were easily handled by her semblance. Weapon: Favilla and Carbonis. Favilla is a gladius, A medium length sword heavy sword with a wide tip that is excellent for slicing, hacking, and piercing with deadly effect. Favilla has no transformation nor gimmick, it is merely a sword of excellent quality. Carbonis is a [url= http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/Section/medium/23.png]Scutum[/url], the roman wall shield. A large black, slightly curved rectangle of defensive steel, enameled black with her symbols in dark red. The shield can turn into variation on [url= http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/14200/14263/hand-cannon_14263_sm.gif] hand cannon[/url]. In this form it is a good 6 feet long, the top 2 feet being the cannon, and the latter 4 being the shaft held for aiming and firing. It is breach loaded and can fire traditional shells, which are basically light grenades, as well as dust shells. Her preferred dust shells are fire ( incendiary ) and Lightning ( flash bang/shock ). In this form it also makes a rather effective two handed club or very heavy staff. She carries the ammo for this weapon in a specially designed box that hangs from her belt and doubles as a sheath for her sword. In desperate need these shells can be thrown by hand as grenades. Semblance: Regeneration. As long as Cinis has the strength of aura she is able to heal most wounds. When she takes injury, the damaged area crackles and burns as if fire and ash were leaking from her body rather than blood, and in a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the intensity of the wound, the flames die out to reveal the wound has been healed. She does not know what would happen if she were to take a killer blow to the head, or to lose a limb entirely, but that is what the shield is for. Fighting style: Up close and personal. Patient yet very aggressive. She starts out most fights with sword and shield, staying close to her foe to keep the attention on her. With her shield she defends most of the most dangerous at, and attacks with the sword with brutal efficiency, sometimes relying on her regeneration to trade blows with a foe to earn a more critical strike. This allows her to control the pace of most of her battles by staying close to a foe and aggressively menacing with her blade until she creates an opening. When the situation calls for heavier hitting she switches her shield into hand-cannon mode. It makes for a devastating club and can deliver explosive blasts. 5) Trivia: Relationships: N/A Notes: Cinis is latin for Ashes. Favilla and Cabonis are Living Ash and Coal in latin. [/hider]