[b]Name:[/b] Reynaldo “Rey” Riestra [b]Rider Name:[/b] Kamen Rider Vali [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Transformation Device:[/b] [url=http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/V-Buckle]V-Buckle[/url] with the Guldthunder [url=http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/Advent_Deck]Advent Deck[/url]. [b]Origin of Powers:[/b] Kamen Rider Ryuki [b]Abilities:[/b] Rey is a hardy, crafty fighter and can ride a bike quite well as befit a Kamen Rider and one handpicked by Kanzaki Shiro at that. He's a fairly good batter and, surprisingly, he’s also an adept cook. As Kamen Rider Vali, he gains the requisite boost to physical prowess and is equipped with the Guld Visor, a one handed sword patterned after a japanese wakizashi with a slot for inserting and activating Advent Cards, as well as a [url=http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/Ride_Shooter]Ride Shooter[/url] bike. He can also enter and exit the parallel dimension known as the Mirror World through any reflective surface as long as he has his deck. His Advent Deck contains the following: [hider=Advent Deck] -Advent: Summons [url=http://kamenrider.wikia.com/wiki/GuldThunder]Guldthunder[/url] to attack enemies. This mirror monster is incapable of sustained flight but can perform rapid, gravity-defying swoops much like a bird of prey and engage in agile hand to hand combat. Its primary form of attack are a pair of retractable stinger-like tails on its back and creating blasts of flame, but it can also coat itself with fire for a charge attack which it tried to use to counter Raia’s Final Vent. AP 4000. -Swing Vent: Conjures the Guld Whip, a flexible weapon topped by a spike modelled after Guldthunder’s retractable tails. Not as direct and simple in use as a Sword Vent, but has more utility and increased range. AP 2000. -Copy Vent: Conjures a copy of an opponent's weapon. -Trick Vent: Allows Vali to perform Shadow Illusion and create up to 4 functional but weak and easily destroyed clones. AP 1000. -Strike Vent: Summons the Guld Gauntlet, a weapon modelled after Guldthunder’s large forearms that can also be used to launch the Gauntlet Fire attack, a fairly powerful fireball. 2000 AP -Accele Vent: Greatly increases the user's movement speed. Was originally a special card created by Professor Kagawa from Kanzaki's notes, but it's utility is undeniable and so a "true" version of it was given to his new emissary. 2500 AP. -Final Vent: Executes the Revenger Slash attack. Kamen Rider Vali leaps high into the air, Guld Visor in hand, while Guldthunder launches the enemy upwards in a pillar of flame. Vali speeds towards the coming opponent and, before they collide, performs a full body vertical spin, cutting the burning opponent in half. AP 5000. [/hider] Forms: None yet, will likely gain access to a Survive card when upgrades are necessary. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Out of suit][img]http://i.imgur.com/U0Odle8.jpg?1[/img][/hider] His transformation into Kamen Rider Vali looks exactly like [url=http://imgur.com/74rcOxp]this[/url], except the the purple is replaced by red and the gold by silver. [b]Personality:[/b] Rey is fairly kind and good natured, generally willing to lend a helping hand despite a seemingly gruff exterior, but a troubled lifetime has left him with a talent for violence and a certain willingness to engage in it that most normal people just do not have. He can also be quite impulsive and reckless, charging headlong into battle without thinking of the consequences, but unlike most ill-tempered brawlers he can also use his head and much prefers to fight with the deck stacked in his favor, so to speak. [b]Background:[/b] Kanzaki Shiro thought he had closed the gateway to the Mirror World when he trapped himself inside with his sister, but dark forces managed to break the creatures of his twisted youth free, using them to torment others. Having long lost the ability to interfere with the world outside the mirror, he was forced to watch along with Yui as his creations were used by others to torment innocent people. The Riders sealing the Mirror Monsters once more was the way things should be, and brought the siblings peace of mind for a century. But now the seal was broken and the beasts wandered once more, feeding off human life, controlled by a mysterious organization. This could not stand, he would not let anyone use his creations for their own purposes, he wouldn't let them trouble their sister any longer. Though he sought to use his ultimate servant, Kamen Rider Odin, he was now too weak to remake his golden phoenix of victory and send it to the real world. A lesser creature would have to do, and so he turned to his loyal Gulds, his bird-like lieutenants in the Rider War. And so he sought for one to carry his new war, one he could tempt do his bidding and who would fight against those who would upset the peaceful life he held with his sister with a vigor not unlike his own. Kanzaki was nothing if not an excellent judge of character and he found such a person in Reynaldo Riestra. The son of a broken home, a natural born fighter that had survived abusive parents and long stays in homes for troubled boys and juvenile correctionals and come out stronger and craftier for it. Riestra had once concern in his life at the moment. Making enough money to support the one decent orphanage he had stayed in during his youth, which had fallen on hard times of late. It was a losing battle, his temper coupled with his bad record as a problem child and lack of a higher education meant job openings were scarce and he was immediately suspected when anything went wrong. He would do nicely. On a stormy night, young Rey was visited by the man in the mirror. He seemed to be in pain, and every word was strained to the point where Rey felt bad for this supernatural entity that had appeared before him. "You must fight", he said. "The monsters of the past...should never have returned. You must take this power and fight. Win my war and I will grant you one wish. Any wish". From the mirror emerged the man's arm, carrying a small rectangular case holding a set of what appeared to be cards. Behind him, still in the mirror, now stood a red and gold birdlike humanoid. "Fight" he commanded once more before vanishing from sight, leaving only the creature behind. Out of curiosity, Rey drew the first card in the deck. It was a picture of the...thing standing inside his mirror. Guldthunder, it read. The Advent Beast took this as a sign, bowed in servitude, and vanished as well. The man inside the mirror had offered him a wish. Any wish. Rey was understandably skeptical and questioned his sanity, but if what he had just seen was real, then perhaps so was the offer. All he had to do was fight...