Name: Soma Kisaragi Rider Name: Kamen Rider Kabuto Age: 16 Sex: Female Transformation Device: Kaubto Zector, Rider Belt Origin of Powers: Kamen Rider Kabuto Abilities: She has enhanced strength, in masked form she has enhanced defense capabilities but lacks speed. In Rider form she has enhanced speeds but loses defense. In rider form she has access to the "clock up" which allows them to move at super speed. Forms: Masked, Rider Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Calm and cool are the two best words to describe her personality. In battle and most of time out of it she keeps a cool head that makes others flock to her in some cases due to how charismatic she can be. However, Soma has a violent temper once angered, and this can normally be seen when she see's something she absolutely hates. Despite all this Soma, while hard to approach, is generally a friendly person who does her best to help others. Background: She was always a bit different disbelieving the idea of kamen riders when everyone would stte otherwise. eventually though the seal was broken and Soma was attacked by a worm. She was found and saved by a legendary zector the Kabuto zector who chose her as the inheritor of the title Kamen Rider Kabuto. Beyond that she traveled from one place to next never settling down for long always going for next lead. There were though multiple organizations that sought her out ZECT being the main one. She would aid them if they were not unjust but beyond that she would soon leave searching both history and known myths of Kamen riders. Her family is unknown since she simply was raised a orphan part of her journey is to try and find her answer to who her parents are and find why she was chosen to inherit the power.