[b]Name:[/b] Shinji Masahiro [b]Rider Name:[/b] Kamen Rider Arkanos [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Transformation Device:[/b] WizarDriver and Transformation Rings [b]Origin of Powers:[/b] Kamen Rider Wizard [b]Abilities:[/b] Performing different sorts of tricks with his magic rings, enter gates' underworld to save them from their inner phantoms. (Current Rings: Driver on, Shine(Transformation), Dark(Transformation), Bind, Extend, Defend, Black Garuda(Plamonster), White Unicorn(Plamonster), Big and Kick Strike(Finisher) [b]Forms:[/b] [url=http://img04.deviantart.net/c760/i/2013/026/4/6/kamen_rider_roul_by_riderb0y-d5sulgs.jpg]Shine[/url] and Dark (Dark Form looks like Shine, but changes the blue coloration for dark purple and the shape of the jewel helmet becomes hexagonal). [Change the belt in the picture for a wizardriver in your mind and there we go.] [Hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/R9LthJv.jpg[/img] [/Hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Passional would the best word to describe him, whatever job he has to make, he'll give the most of him with excitement. Towards people, he has a very light hearted and open manner, despite his constant sarcasm, when in battle he may act quite cocky and lets himself go really easy, what usually doesn't end up well. Background: Born from a family of craftsmen, Shinji had always been really good with manual works, when a child he already built some impressive things with only play dough. As he grew up, like everyone expected him to, he took over the family business and loved his job and had one dream, to make the most people happy and satisfied with his work. One day during vacation, he made a travel and found a couple of odd looking rocks, they were shiny, beautiful, colorful and while he looked at them, it was almost as if they could talk to him, what lead Shinji to take them home and create something out of them. He was impressed at how sure he was about what to do, and the result of those were a couple of rings, one light blue, the other dark purple, they looked really well and instead of selling, he simply kept them with him. Some months after that curious incident, another one even weirder happened, strange monsters were attacking the city monsters of all kinds and shapes, on the day he first noticed that, Shinji was visiting his family, when he arrived, the house was burning down, and there was a monster called Salamander, a Phantom laughing at him and about to attack the young man as well, he was sure of his fate, death and had no hope left, and slowly started falling in despair. According to Salamander, he was a gate, and would now succumb to become another evil creature. Desperate he clinged to his one last hope, his own dream, what was strong enough to fight back and now he had it, the potential to become a magician, he just didn't know that yet. And now with no option left, he ran, back to his shop with the vile creature chasing him. While running he tripped and fell, with the Salamander almost there, he met his gaze with a strange belt on the ground, abandoned and another ring, similar to the ones he had forged. He obbeyed his instinct which told him to wear the belt with an odd hand shaped buckle and in front of it use the ring he had just found, and then proceed using his own rings, it resulted in his transformation in Kamen Rider Arkanos. He easily defeated Salamander, and sworn to use that power to help people, parallell to that, he still does his work as a craftsman and hunts lost rings.