[hider=Telion Velkfur] [centre][img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/6d5d/f/2012/028/7/0/anime_guy_by_ddragonball-d4nxh9i.jpg[/img] [hider=Centaur] [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/834f/f/2007/226/6/6/centaur_creature_concept_by_stillenacht.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/centre] [h3]Generic Information[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Tellion Velkfur [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Height:[/b] 6'0" [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [h3]Psych Profile[/h3] [b]Traits[/b] [list] [u]Knowledgeable[/u] - While the other nobles are busy polishing up their graces and their manners, Telion escapes to books and scrolls from the Velkfur family's grand library and as a result, amass knowledge of the world that most others wouldn't even have known. [u]Witty[/u] - Telion more often than not, was ridiculed from other noble families for not being the sort of noble that was expected of him, he could however, easily retort back their insults and sayings with relative ease. He could also turn a normal conversation into a delightful one, with most people at least. [u]Nimble[/u] - Reading books and scrolls all day tends to make one's body not in the best of shape.However Telion is blessed with hight metabolism and is always skinny (not to the point of seeing his bones jut out) no matter how much he eats, and has him in a body which is fast and reactive. [/list] [b]Flaws[/b] [list] [*] [u]Spacing Out[/u] - Not always the one to be focused in most things, if Telion thinks the situation as hand is boring,he could often or not, just let his mind wander out. [*] [u]Hurt[/u] - Alk has fully believed that Telion had ran away form the Grand Masquerade event and has now cut him away from the family tree, while Telion had never really cared much for his family name, he's deeply sad that his father cut him off without a slight hesitation. He gets depressed whenever he hears a slight mention of the Velkfur family now. [/list] [b]Centaur Powers[/b] [u]Telekinesis:[/u] Transforming to his centaur form grants Telion the ability to life any object, living or non-living about 10 metres from the ground at a speed of 10km/per hour. [u]Swift:[/u] Long legs can make a man run faster and a Telion's centaur is beyond a man now. [u]Nightmare presence:[/u] Not really a traditional centaur, somewhere along the long Telion's centaur form gone hugely misformed and has now resemble something from a devil's nightmare, giving everyone who stares at him for too long the shivers. [u]Flame hooves:[/u] Like the sound that Death makes before his victim meets his embrace, Telion's hooves have the ability to leave a trail of fire behind for a short while before distinguishing themselves. Without being activated they leave a trail of hoof marks burned into the ground. [b]Centaur Weaknesses[/b] [u]Blinded by Light:[/u] Light dosen't sit well with Telion's centaur. Large amounts of light can temporarily make him as blind as a bat. [u]Weak:[/u] Can't take a lot of hits, a few stabs and slashes will be enough to take him down. [u]Recharge:[/u] Using his abilities too much at once will make him tire out and have to rest before fighting again. [b]Backstory:[/b]You couldn't mingle with the nobles without even once, mentioning the famed Velkfur House. Known for their immense wealth and having their enemies mysteriously move to another country when they cross their way , the other nobles either respect or fear the house of Velkfur. The family house members of Velkfur gained their immense wealth through manufacturing the expensive and intricate clothing which are known to be worn by almost,if not all, the nobles and are known to be the single best tailor house in the century. Telion was born to the world with an expectation from the only child of Sir Alk Velkfur and his wife, Jennifer Velkfur. He was to be the heir of the every growing business of the Velkfur clothing but he was never really interested in inheriting the family's business. He instead wanted to find his calling through books and scrolls and while his family had no problem in his reading habits, his stubbornness to not accept the family's business was. This led to a constant quarrelling session everyday and his father resorted to dragging Telion to the town square and forced him to watch as their servants burn every single book and scroll in their library.Unbeknownst however, that Telion has already stored several volumes that he hasn't read yet in the safety of the garden of the mansion. The incident was famous throughout the country amongst the nobles and commons however and they famously call it " The Smiling Smokes" due to the smoke of the burning of the ancient books slightly resembled a smiling skull that day. He never really trusted his father after that incident and spent his days forced by his father to be tutored in business. In the evenings, he sneaks to the garden to have a quick read but never really have substantial time to finish a book. The Grand Masquerade however, was announced to all the nobles, including of course House Velkfur. Alk Velkfur forced Telion into going to the event with him and Telion was never interested in the going ons and balls held by nobles. When the young woman approached him however, he never knew his life could change so drastically in one night. [b]Character's Motivation:[/b] At last, Tellion wishes to now to be free, he no longer has to be binded by the chains of his family name and wished to roam the world. Now however under Nixus's control, he plans to escape Nixus, either by talking him out of it....or killing him. [b]Other:[/b]He hears an A in C major sound whenever he feels he's about to transform (verrrrry important I'm sure of it.)[url=https://www.youtube.com/watchv=2P8laoe8jbU&list=PLE3V6v_X8EU4AiSWOCWzVmRzfFyg6MQQl&index=13]Theme song Before-Killing his parents - "Friction by Mili[/url] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYOD5hrl5FU[/url] After killing his parents [/hider]