Sorry about the delay, my post is up now. [@Stella] It's rumored Miyazaki is returning to handle Dark Souls 3. Though I don't think Bloodborne was really a hard game so that might not mean anything. I remember Dark Souls 2 being a lot tougher at release though, a lot of the bosses seemed to be made easier in the patches. Lost Sinner comes to mind. The new mechanic where you sacrifice an enemy to invade other people's worlds though seems a little dark even for Dark Souls. [@Shoryu] I too enjoyed Dark Souls 2 even though everyone complained it wasn't as good as Dark Souls 1. The lock on changes made a world of difference to me, and soul vessels, that I didn't really appreciate until I went back and played Dark Souls 1 again. And even though people complained about Dark Souls 2 it was the game people compared to Bloodborne, not Dark Souls 1, when they whined about it's short comings, in my experience at least. I was wondering since we are able to die and come back how is that going to work exactly? In the games you respawn at the bonfire, but even though they make dying seem like a natural part of the game, they never really explain why you appear before the bonfire. Or if they did I never picked up on it. Is it something like you emerge from the flames like some sort of phoenix? Does your body get up and wander back to the bonfire drawn by the flame? I guess more importantly how will we handle it?