[quote=@yoshua171] [s]I've been dragged here and I need help. Please help me, I'm so far from home and I don't know what's going on anymore![/s] So you're curious what Crux is and how exactly it works. Well let me help you out. Let's say your Fae's conceptual alignment isss...[s]man coming up with this on the spot is a bit difficult, can't believe I'm doing this. I hope they don't notice how unsure I am...they're reading this aren't they.[/s] I'll use a simple example because they're much easier to explain (if not as fun haha). The Fae's Crux is Reflection. As a result perhaps their glamour and/or true appearances ends up taking on the properties of their surroundings and the things and/or people in said surroundings. Perhaps they're in a forest and their skin appears more like bark or leaves, their hair like grass or vines or the sky when they pass under it. Perhaps they're in a crowd of people and their facial features alter as they pass by different individuals. I figure they'd be able to take it a step further. They could reflect most things that come towards them, be it energy, or bullets, or arrows, or sound, light etc etc. Maybe their true body appears as if it is made from highly reflective mirror-like glass, which is sculpted into a vaguely humanoid form. You could take this concept in other directions as well, of course, but this was the first one that came to mind. Any further questions? :) [/quote] Alright, that was what I had in mind. Quite informative, thank you.