Enna paused a single spear of lighting piercing her chest, a strangled whine escaping her lips as darkness takes her under, her body falling limply, her power vanishing. The man merely glanced at the fallen wolf, a cruel smirk twisting his lips, his hands lifting as a string of electricity connects with the collar around its neck, it's form vanishing in instant. The only remaining thing being a small pool of blood where it lay. "Detainment cell number 7 for the beast of a wolf. Least she deserves." He murmurs, his eyes focusing on the charging sabertooth, his hands lifting as electricity dances above his palms. "I suggest you calm yourself, she was never a quiet one when in detainment, she slammed herself against the bars until she was bloody and nearly broken every bone in her weak little body. I can make it worse for her, she seems attached to you...no one here will say anything if she's missing for a few days..." He states blandly, his head tilting slightly. [@SomeoneSomewere]