Also I dunno if Lone mentioned it but I'm Co-GM so I'm not just being that asshole co-RP'er here. I'm going to be brutally honest to avoid any miscommunication, no one please take offense at anything, we want to ensure quality characters for the RP. [b]Automaton[/b] Some stuff to fix up on your sheet. Why is his hair white and black? Is this a part of his power or a mutation of some sort? Going prematurely grey is fine I'm just curious as to what's going on here If he's small for his size, he should weigh less. 180 for 5'11 isn't a small frame. Attire. You're really going to have to sell me on being able to smuggle a machete in a sock. The average machete is, what, a foot and a half long? Minimum? A knife or dagger I could buy, but not a machete. If he's a small-built guy, I'm not entirely sold on his being able to intimidate people as a talent. There is also not a lot of overlap between hackers and hood rats. You should stick to one or the other, especially given that there's no bio to explain how he grew up in an environment where he accrued all those scars, learned how to fight, and also had time to learn how to code and hack. Sneaking around without being seen is also something that's iffy. How to stay quiet and move about? Okay, but don't get drawn out here. He can be good at things, but they shouldn't double as powers in and of themselves. If you want a low-level street thug, that's fine, but given his skillset, I just want it to be clear he's not going to be breaking into bank vaults or going up against black belts or hacking into any NEST databases. Also not sure what you mean by talking to people of a higher class. Posing as someone who's high society? Going to be tricky with all those scars. His black and white hair and tell-tale outfits will also make him a little less predisposed for sneaking around. If he's able to only control a set amount of bees, you need to define what that amount is. He also does not have any weaknesses. What you listed are limitations, but not weaknesses. Ex. Superman is weak to kryptonite, this is a weakness only he has. Superman cannot be in two places at once, that is a limitation, but not necessarily a weakness. It's not likely this RP will last more than 40 days, so the bee thing is kind of a moot point. Also, there's not a finite number of bees in the town, so the age limit doesn't matter. If they age at, say, 10,000 times normal speed in his presence because science, that would be different. Stealthing with bees seems contradictory. If he can't sneak because of the buzzing of all the bees around him, how has he managed to pick locks, go about unseen, etc, throughout his life? He needs definitive weaknesses, and not mere limitations. If I recall correctly, bees die when they sting something. This could be a potential drawback to his stingers-if he stabs someone with them, they fall out and he not only has an open wound to deal with, but his powers take a hit for a while. Something like that. Having armor, blades that can apparently stop a knife attack, being able to fly, and the ability to manipulate bees (which, on its own, could be overwhelmingly strong) without any real weaknesses is kind of a red flag. You will need substantial weaknesses for a character this powerful. He also needs a more fleshed-out personality. What are his motives, his goals, his fears, his loves, why does he do what he do? Etc. [b]Fedested[/b] Description and personality are good but we'd prefer a bit more detail. As I think Lone mentioned, a bit more history continuing into the present day would be good as well. Just to be clear, these projections don't have physical matter, right? As in, if you create the illusion of Mike Tyson, Illusion-Iron-Mike can't actual beat the hell out of me, correct? Given his age, I'm okay with his having less in the way of concrete weaknesses, as it stands to reason he'd have better mastery of his powers. Not accusing you of anything, but you should stick with the fatigue angle if that's the main drawback-I've been in a fair number of RP's where people whose powers are physically exhausting are curiously able to keep at it for pages and pages on end...otherwise good. You could consider headaches, astigmatism/blurred vision, etc, from overuse as well. Is he only able to create visual projections? They can't be accompanied by other sensory details? (if so, he WOULD need a more definite weakness, as you could really subtly and effectively kill people by messing with all of their senses) [b]Maxx[/b] I've looked at the Tarot cards and, unfortunately, you're predestined to have a character who gets rejected. Blame the stars buddy.