'Oh thank the gods he's back...' Wrenna thought to herself with a soft sigh as she saw the door to the room open. Though she did wince a bit when the servant dropped her sword. It wasn't like the thing was fragile, but it had been carefully and especially made for her, so she felt a little bad if it wasn't taken care of. But that didn't matter now. Soreth would hopefully tell the girl to leave and then Wrenna could come out...and that's when another demon walked in... [hr] "Soreth, I insist that you-"Lorne started to say when he noticed that there was a servant in the room. "Excuse me for intruding your majesty." He was swift to say. He was close to Soreth but he didn't like to rub it in by using his first name in front of just anybody. "But I just came to say-" once again, something caught Lorne's eye enough to distract him. This time a sword. That itself wouldn't be unusual if it wasn't for the fact that this wasn't a demon forged sword. It was a human one. Lorne quickly walked over and scooped it up, pulling it all the way out of it's sheath and examining it. It wasn't a cheaply made sword. It was something that only nobility would really have, or someone of equal importance. Nothing that the demon's would have lying about in their weapons stash for studying and instructing. Lorne quickly looked up at Soreth. "where did you get this?" He asked him in a serious tone.