Heloise watched them both. She could see, right away, that Selena liked Hector, the girl flustered, by what Heloise had considered a very simple question. Obviously the two had known each other for a long time, and for now, that was good enough for Heloise. As Shaddow joined her, she petted him, before leaning forward to Selena. "You may not be together, but it's clear you like Hector" Her tone might have been slightly bitter, but she sighed softly, and leaned back looking up at the ceiling of the train car. Heloise...didn't know why she had said that. She didn't want to comprehend why, didn't want to untangle the whole mess that was herself. As Hector stated that Duncan and his team were already on board, and that he thought they would have been first, she rolled her eyes, "You were slightly late. and there was the whole "Yay, we're working together" thing" She pointed out, with mild amusement, but that faded, as she sighed once more.