Vanessa saw and heard that the soft omega way of helping didn't work so she got up and looked at the girl. ''Listen, I can easily leave you here in all your spite and your bad feelings, I ain't the one that attacked someone which, probably, was innocent'' she said and she raised a brow at the girl. ''True, I am not your friend, and I guess that with that attitude of you, we never will become anything closer than two wolves that live in the same town but don't think that my Omega status is something that can't make me be a Beta.. I was a Beta, close to being a Alpha even.. My family got killed and I decided that I could better survive as a Omega so I took on the Omega rank for my own safety'' she said and raised a eyebrow. She wasn't the kind of person that would easily be defeated by someone that she didn't know. ''I don't know who this He is.. But I guess I don't even care enough to get to know who or what you mean.. If you had listened carefully I told you: I just arrived here and smelled the blood which make me throw away the coffee I just had bought and get over here because that is my nature and all I came here to do is help you but its okay.. go swim in your own pity and anger'' she said and turned around, she took her bag from the ground and walked away. She simply wasn't gonna let some stranger ruin her good mood and if this girl though she was some goddess then she was very wrong.