[hider=Erik Wright] [b]Name[/b]: Erik Wright [b]Profession[/b]: Former Police Sergeant [hider=Appearance] [img]http://today.ucf.edu/files/2011/05/larkinUCFToday.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Age[/b]: 46 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Backstory[/b] Born in the suburbs. His early life wasn’t special by any means; B’s in school and without much else to his name. He came into the police force when he was 25 after being unemployed for a few years. It’s the big city, so naturally, he had some opportunities to prove himself. That he did over 10 years, helping bust a few of the city’s crime rings (although he was the guy to charge in and do the arrests, not the one to actually discover key member identities and collect evidence). he was promoted, eventually, to Sergeant when he was 36. After that is when things started going to hell. The Virus took a while to come to the US, but when it did, it was total chaos. He was bounced around several jurisdictions before he saw combat. What he found scarred his mind forever and in all instances after that: the disgusting gaping maws, horrendous shrieks, superhuman speed. They left a mark on his mind that made him absolutely paranoid - he would wake up in the middle of the night, yelling, and grabbing whatever was at hand and swinging for a few seconds before he calmed down. he still does that, sometimes. The line he was on fell completely; the rag-tag band of National Guard survivors and city police. he fled to his hotel room when things went sour, leaving his friends to die. He doesn’t think anyone noticed him. That, too, wears down on him. These days, he is still paranoid, but has enough stability to carry on normally unless he gets in a particularly nasty encounter with any infected. Then he starts to get jittery… [b]Personality[/b]([i]added section[/i]): He has a long-standing bias against looters, thieves and criminals of any kind, going so far as to outright refuse to work with them. he finds religion hogwash, and anything relative to infected almost infects his mind with negative thoughts of the bad kind (the ones where you imagine what happens to you when they catch up). He has a critical flaw otherwise; and that is in the form of his hand-eye coordination. In melee fighting and when he’s calm, it is alright (although I am not sure how he could be calm when fighting, but I digress). It’s when he has a gun his accuracy goes down a little; he almost flunked target practice in his training. If he’s trying to shoot infected and isn’t aiming low or at a wide belly, chances are he will manage to hit the one window with civilians in it rather than one of a group of 6 infected. [b]Skills[/b]: Some melee fighting skill, capable of operating many gun types (although not the best aim for a few reasons), strategic clearing (slowly and cautiously can check things out in an area). In accordance with the previous skill, he is also decent at scavenging. What he should never do is be given food to cook or a musical instrument... [b]Starting Equipment[/b]: Large backpack, seven granola bars, a jug of half full not the best tasting water, strong boots (thanks to a little wandering), his police badge and a medium sized rock. [b]Starting Weapons[/b]: A crowbar and a Glock ([i]I’m horrible with names of things such as guns and how they work, so bare with me[/i]) with 8 bullets, and a spare round for a shotgun (that he does not have). [b]Bravery[/b]: 4 ([i]He’s usually more of a 5 in most situations, but if it’s anything to do with infected? It’s a 4 or if there’s a horde, probably more like 3[/i]) [b]Psychological Stability[/b]: 4 ([i]If anything, he’s a little more… out of control when it comes to zombies, and doesn’t really take regard for what’s around him, he just wants those buggers dead and friendly fire could happen[/i]) [b]Reaction Speed[/b]: 7 ([i]He reacts fast, sometimes a little too fast; if it’s a gun then his accuracy takes a big hit, but if it is his crowbar then prepare to get whacked[/i]) [b]Physical Strength[/b]: 6 ([i]Well, I would think a former cop could hold a little more than a pencil, eh?[/i]) [b]Constitution[/b]: 6 ([i]He can take a few blows[/i]) [b]Party Control[/b]: I prefer not. [/hider]