[hider=Deven Zoria] [b]Appearance:[/b] Deven Zoria is a young man with a fair skin tone and light blue eyes. He has short cut messy brown hair that comes down to about two inch above his eyes, leaving his ears uncovered before continuing down a little longer in the back. He tries to the best of his abilities to keep his face shaven or at least down to a thin 5 o'clock shadow using whatever he can to shave. [b]Size:[/b] Deven stands at about 5'11 weighing in at around 150 to 160 lbs. At least, that's what he remembers weighing back when he last checked his weight, which was some time before all this madness started. [b]Physical Shape:[/b] Deven has a rather toned body build, he is in no way ripped but, he certainly has some muscle definition to his body. Before this all started he was always sure to stay active, usually going on runs every morning before going to work or class and heading to the gym about every other day. Though he made a constant effort to keep in shape and develop some muscle tone he was in no way a muscle head. Now after everything that's happened he's beyond thankful for the work he's put in as his body is routinely tested just to survive. Thanks to these routine tests of endurance and strength his body has only put on more muscle giving him the toned build he has now. But thanks to these current living conditions and the struggle to find food in this chaotic world his body doesn't have all too much fat to eat through should he struggle to find any food. [b]Name:[/b] Deven Zoria [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Personality:[/b] This new world everyone has been forced into has had a monuments effect on each and everyone's personality and morals and as so Deven has not lived this long through it unchanged. Before this all began Deven was the type to put someone else's needs before his own and would go out of his way to help them with little reward in return. But now an admirable trait like that is a good way to end up dead with a knife in your back or stranded with all your food, medicine and such missing. Therefore Deven has been forced to undergo a change, if he does elect to help someone it is not without some expectation of compensation or some form of ulterior motive. Though the old Deven is not all gone, if he has gotten to know someone and they get him to trust them, a feat in it of itself, the old Deven does shine through here and there. When this first began the idea of harming another person was out of the question, but after several near death experiences at the hands of other survivors Deven's morals changed he no longer hesitates to take the life of another human should his own life or the life of someone close to him be threatened. Though Deven is against the idea of harming someone that has done nothing to him if he is in a desperate situation and there seems to be no other way he will begrudgingly do what needs to be done to survive. Often finds himself torn between his survival instincts and his morals. Naturally distrustful Deven always keeps his guard up when around people he does not know, and tends to take a very long time before he finally begins to trust someone usually taking some sort of act on their part to prove they're trustworthy. But if someone sticks around long enough to get him to trust them they will see a much different side of him. To those he trusts he lets some of the old Deven shine through to, he can be fiercely loyal and can be very caring and compassionate when it's called for. [b]Occupation:[/b] Deven worked as a waiter at Peaks Grill while studying at Northern Arizona University to become a civil engineer, he was going through his Senior year when all hell broke loose. [b]Equipment:[/b] Deven wears a plain white t-shirt (as white as it can be), a black jacket and a black scarf, which he usually pulls up to cover his mouth, with dark grey cargo pants, dark grey mesh gloves and black hiking boots. [b]Inventory:[/b] Deven carries a blue and black hiking backpack on which he has, using the straps on the side of his pack, made a makeshift holster for his main weapon. In his backpack he carries: 4 bottles of water 1 half full canteen (which he keeps hanging at his side) 3 granola bars 1 can of spaghettios 1 can of beef stew 1 can of spam 1 pocket knife (used for opening cans NOTHING ELSE) 1 lighter 3/4 of the way full 1 bedroll 1 tube of toothpaste 3/4 of the way full 1 toothbrush 1 stick of deodorant (old spice: Matterhorn) 1 bar of soap (wrapped in wax paper) 2 wedding bands (one made for a girl and one for a guy) 1 led flashlight (uses 2 AA batteries 3 AA batteries 1 Iphone 5 with a charger (if only I had fucking electricity) 1 leather wallet (do you think zombies take debit?) [b]Weapons:[/b] Deven's primary weapon is his machete which has grown used over time. When not in his hands he keeps it in his makeshift holster on his pack. [Hider=Glock 22][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130427062024/breakingbad/images/b/bb/Glock22.jpg[/img][/Hider] At his hip is holstered his Glock 22 which he managed to loot from a quarantine zone before he made his escape. In it's 15 bullet clip sits only 5 bullets remaining of the original 10 it had when he first looted it. [hider=Background] When news of the Government having accidentally sent anthrax to dozens of military facilities across the nation was first released, Deven followed the story closely. But other then that his life was unchanged, he still had work, class, his routine, spending time with friends and his older sister's wedding in two months to worry about. Growing up in a divorced family where their father left them at an early age after deciding he wanted nothing more to do with them. Deven and his sister Alaina were very close with both each other and their mother who, despite the difficult situation, managed to provide them with a very happy childhood, ignoring the many late nights she spent at the firm. As an accomplished lawyer Deven's mother was able to support her family with ease, even if her children had to go an occasional night where she wouldn't come home till late. Deven graduated high school with relatively high grades and was able to go to any university of his choosing, but instead he choose to take the next two years off of school and took the chance to work and make some money of his own before heading off to college. By this point his sister Alaina had graduated and had met a man name Mason Williams. The two hit it off instantly and were dating in no time, Deven quickly became close friend with him as well. The next three years came and past with Deven enjoying every minute of his college career to it's fullest. When his senior year began Mason proposed to Alaina and the two were due to be married that July. Things couldn't have been much better, Deven was finishing up his last year of college and his sister was about to be happily married, that was until the outbreaks started. Fifteen days after the news of the Government's mistake was released outbreaks occurred across the nation. Though the government claimed that they have the situation under control and that there was nothing to worry about, all college classes were cancelled and rumors ran rampant claiming that the situation was far worse than the government was letting on. Three days later the rioting began. More and more information was leaked revealing just how dire the situation was and more and more infected passed away adding to the now present horde of undead plaguing the living. As soon as he could Deven fled the campus getting anything he could to protect himself from the undead that began attacking anything that was living around them and immediately began making his way to his mother keeping in constant contact with his sister and her fiance as he did. Soon enough the military stepped in, assuming control of the government and began making attempts at controlling the situation. The chaos grows as social order collapses and people begin resorting to harming each other in order to protect themselves. After making his way to his mother's, news of the government setting up safe zones across the country began to spread. Deven, his mother, Alaina and Mason planned to make their way as fast as possible to the nearest safe zone agreeing to meet at Alaina and Mason's apartment before heading there, giving Alaina and Mason the time needed to gather supplies for the trip. Immediately Deven sets off with his mother as they make their way to Alaina's apartment. About a day away from Alaina and Mason's apartment Deven lost contact with them, fearing something had gone wrong Deven double his pace as he drove to their apartment. Upon arriving Deven proceeded in alone. When he reached the door he used his key to get in and was met with a more gruesome sight then he could have ever feared. Deven found his sister's Fiance Mason dead on the floor with his skull caved in while his sister Alaina lay chained to the bed with her throat slit, thrashing and gnawing in his direction. Deven felt his body go limp as his heart sank to his knees, and he stood there motionless staring at his sister's reanimated body thrashing on the bed. He couldn't will his body to move, the tire iron in his hands felt as though it weighed more than a ton as he stood trying in vain to will himself to show some mercy on his sister who lay there before them, now just nothing more than a hungering husk. It felt like an eternity before Deven was able to force himself to slowly walk toward the bed raising the tire iron in the air above him. His ears buzzed and his heart pounded in his chest. He stood over the bed looking down at his sister's body as it thrashed about threatening to break the chains that bound it. Without even looking away Deven brought the tire iron down onto her skull as hard as he could. He didn’t hear the crunch as the bones shattered from the blow, no, for him his world seemed to pause. For several seconds he sat there in silence as his eyes bore into the blood stained sheets before his heart rate slowed and his breathing resumed. Deven seemed to slowly get dragged back into reality. His gaze turned away from the bloody mess and down to the glittering silver ring that sat on her ring finger. Gently Deven reached over and slowly worked the ring off her finger before making his way over to Mason and doing the same to him slipping both of their rings into his pocket. His body felt numb as he stood their looking over the corpses, he couldn’t help but feel as though this was his fault. Perhaps if he had been faster he could have been here to stop this or he could have gotten them out of there before anything happened. But now there was nothing he could do, his sister was dead and gone and her fiance with her. All of the sudden his little family had just gotten that much smaller. With a heavy heart Deven raised his head, he knew what he had to do. He had failed his sister, but he still had a chance to save himself and his mother. Alaina wouldn’t have wanted him to stay there grieving over her death. She would have wanted him to do what needed to be done and to get their mother to safety, for every moment he spent up there both their lives were threatened. But there was no way he could tell her what happened, if she found out she would be devastated or worse. So as he stepped out of the apartment and made his way down to the car, he came up with a lie that he would tell to protect his mother from the truth of what had happened. As he climbed in the car Deven quickly spoke up before she could question him, he told her that Alaina and Mason had left a note saying that the area had become too dangerous and that they had to leave and would meet them in the safe zone. His mother seemed surprised but she nodded in agreement and soon the two set off in the direction of the local safe zone.Over the course of the drive and the next few days in the safe zone Deven tried his best to cope with what had happened, in no way had he managed to come to terms with it, but he had finally found the nerve to look his mother in the eyes while talking about Alaina and Mason. As soon as they arrived Deven's mother set right to trying to find Alaina and Mason, asking anyone that would listen if they had seen them. It broke Deven's heart watching her do this, but still he couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth. Nine days after arriving in the safe zone an epidemic of the common cold broke out, medicine began to run out faster than the military could supply it and soon enough anyone showing symptoms of any sort of disease at all began getting quarantined, what happened after being quarantined the people could only speculate. As more people were placed under quarantine, discontent for the military grew until it boiled over in an all out revolt. The military responded back in kind beating back the revolting civilians with lethal force. As the fighting raged on the amount of undead within the facility steadily grew until the military was forced to retreat. Any attempt at installing a new form of leadership was crushed as anarchy reigned supreme within the collapsing safe zone. Amidst the madness Deven lost his mother to the horde of undead quickly overrunning the facility and nearly lost his own life on several occasions to both the undead and to other survivors before making his escape. Something in Deven broke that day as he lost his family, he could no longer deny the realities of this new world they were forced into. He now realized he would have to change if he wanted to survive this madness, survive, if not for himself, then for the family and friends that he had lost along the way. Soon after escaping he heard rumors of much more successful safe zones to the east as supposedly the military had focused it's efforts on the east coast. With what little hope in the safe zones he had left Deven set off on his way to the east coast. Along the way he encountered a small group of friendly survivors with whom he had elected to join as they also made their way east. But somewhere near the Oklahoma-Arkansas border their little band met it's end at the hands of a group of bandits and at the hands of the undead. Once more Deven was narrowly able to make his escape and to this day is unsure if any of the other members were able to escape with their lives. Ever since then Deven has been traveling for the most part alone save for a few random encounters with other survivors. Now after crossing the Alabama-Georgia border, in the distance Deven can just barely make out the now smoke filled skyline of Atlanta.[/hider] [/hider]