[b]Name:[/b] Hibiki Fukushima [b]Age:[/b] 16 [Hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6gExOHJ.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Hibiki's usually a silent person, only speaking when he feels like it. He spends most of his time listening and observing the city he lives in and the people in there. He's a big fan of arts and is also a pacifist by nature, only resorting to violence as a last resort. Socially, he tends to have a hard time to approach people, being too closed and even kinda shy, however when close to people he really could call friends, he shows a kind yet quite sarcastic manner. [b]Level:[/b] 4 [b]Power:[/b] Magnetism manipulation, this power allows him to: Generate and manipulate magnetic fields and a limited metalic manipulation. [b]History:[/b] Nothing specifially interesting had happened into this boy's life, or at least he never felt like sharing it. Hibiki was the usual boy whose parents tried their best to pay a good school for him to get the best education possible, and that's how he moved to Academy City and transfered to "A Certain High School". In there he became an esper, a quite impressive one too, having an interesting control over magnetism, leading him to become a level 4. At school, his grades were usually the top of the class, not because he was the one who gave the most of himself, but he always silent and paying attention to the class, what gave him enough knowledge to ace the tests. He only has one true passion, which would be art, what made some lots of people judge him, he had the class's best grades, could be a great scientist someday and yet would preffer art, he never really cared about that in fact. When not at school, he's usually seen on the streets carrying a sketch book and some pens.