[hider=Han Su Ying (Sue)] Profession: University Student Name: Han Su Ying (Sue) Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Candid shot of her lazing in the beach of Phuket. She wears a pair of spectacles for shortsightedness. [img]http://i.imgur.com/czKcx1Y.jpg[/img] Backstory: Born the only daughter to a middle-classed family from South East Asia who then migrated into Australia in her late teens, she has all the features and lifestyle of a typical South East Asian girl. There was nothing noteworthy in her life, other than her apparent knack in the illustrative arts. It was then she decided to further her studies in the states, mostly due to the urge of her friends. After all, she was directionless, coupled by her parents giving her the liberty to choose. Not to mention that it was also due to peer pressure that she landed herself in a small apartment which she currently lives with her friend and roommate. However, it has been a while since she last saw her. What with the chaotic events unfolding outside, she believes she won't ever see her roommate again. Part Two: Skills and Equipment Skills: Google smarts (Generally knows a lot of random things from obscene amounts of internet usage), quick-sketching with an eye for detail, perceptive of surroundings (relevant to having an eye for detail - in that she actually observes while taking in minor visual details), smart scavenger Starting Equipment: A pair of less fashionable spectacles that her parents had her made as a spare due to her habit of leaving things behind. She also carries along her sling-bag with her drawing tools and her notebook. She has a private stash of instant noodles and canned food in her room, as she tends to be too lazy to go grocery shopping at times - leading to her habitually loading up on food to lessen travel time for meals. Starting Weapons: Kitchen knife Part Three: Personality, Psychology and Physiology Bravery: 5 ([i]She's by far one of the most fearless person in comparison with her classmates. Perhaps being engrossed in horror flicks had hardened her mind enough that jump scares seemingly feel hilarious at times. Of course she's still mindful enough that bravery doesn't go far when she's not exactly capable physically[/i]) Psychological Stability: 7 ([i]Having a positive attitude goes a long way when she's faced with whatever life throws at her. A firm believer of hard work than relying on something as whimsical as luck. In fact, her evident lack of luck in most of what she does has bolstered her 'never-give-up' attitude.[/i]) Reaction Speed: 8 ([i]Being an avid gamer, her reaction speed is hardly dulled even when everything turned dark. However, her body may not react as quickly as her mind does - save for very minute actions that does not rely on her physical prowess; like navigating and clicking a mouse perhaps![/i]) Physical Strength: 1 ([i]A stay-at-home international student who couldn't be bothered to socialize outside from her internet circle has led to the deterioration of her once fit and athletic lifestyle in highschool. In fact, she was once a badminton representative of her school![/i]) Constitution: 2 ([i]A diet of instant noodles and on rare occasions a full-meal when budget allows has left her with quite a weak constitution. Although, she can be quite an over-eater - which generally isn't healthy as well.[/i]) Party Control: No [/hider]