[Ichiyo Yamamoto rides up to the large, pink school building and furiously dismounts his bicycle, hastily locking it to one of the bike racks situated in front. In addition to these, the building has marble steps leading to the front entrance, separated by a large marble platform between the two sets of long, flat stairs. In the middle of the landing stands a flagpole, proudly flying the flag of Bunnyville, pink with a stylized bunny face in the centre. Somewhat less proudly, it also flies a pair of underpants, likely stolen from an unfortunate underclassman and hung up by a gang of miscreants. The stairs are framed on one side by a large playground, complete with skytubes, fireman's pole, and ball pit. Further past that is one wing of the school, with windows overlooking the play area. On the other side is a gazebo and small field with pathways, surrounded by gardens which line the school building and sidewalk. Once again, further past this is a wing of the school building. Directly above the main entrance, which has an overhang supported by white columns, are the administrative offices. On the opposite end are the athletic fields, including track, courts for various sports, and a football field. Parallel to the school and adjacent with several of the fields is a large lake, which is often used for physical education activities, and even more frequently during the summer. From above, the school is a rough silhouette of a bunny's head, with the lake appearing to be the body.] *speedwalks up the steps and through the front entrance to the school, backpack bouncing against his back as he carries it with one arm only* [color=2e3192][i]Jeez, there's no one even here. I can't be that late already, can I?[/i][/color] *practically runs to his homeroom, but fails to arrive before the bell rings, despite having his hand at the door as it does so* [color=2e3192][i]Aw crud, and I got up on time and everything today. It's not even like we're doing much at this point. I shouldn't even have to come in to school.[/i][/color] *pusges open the door anyway and begins the walk of shame to his seat, when he spies an out of place splash of pink dangling from it* [color=2e3192][i]That is my desk, right? Yup, definitely is. But...I can't seem to remember putting anything...is that a streamer? My birthday was MONTHS ago, what's going on?[/i][/color] *takes his seat somewhat warily, inspecting the sides quickly before looking up at the teacher*