[b]Dante Calogero[/b] [i]Outside the Church on the Hill, Chernyy Ushchel'ye[/i] [hr] Dante stared up at the Church as Saber spoke to him. He stood a fair distance from Church so that nobody would pick up his answers to her questions. Knowledge of one's enemy was very much the makings of an easy kill. You could never be careful enough once the Grail War begins. So long as he was on Church grounds, he was safe enough but that doesn't mean that his secrets were safe. "Sure, you can call me Dante if you wish. As for my magecraft, I know the basics of quite a few branches but I focus on healing, pyromancy, transmutation, and I've got knowledge of very basic Holy Sacraments. My Family line, well I''m the son of an upstart family known as the Calogeros in Italy but my mother is from the older family known as the Galleranis. As for my strength, I'm above average in my magical capabilities. As compared to Rin Tohsaka, I'm not that strong but I've got thirty-five magical circuits which can produce five hundred units. I should be able to take down the other Masters physically if I can't do it with magic." Dante said all of this to the cloaked Saber. Dante always liked to boast about his rather nice amount of circuits and their output capabilities. He chided himself for having boasted about his powers like a child especially considering the situation he was in at this moment. Dante looked back at the Church he was standing in front of. Practical as it was, it made Dante cringe. The years had not worn well on the exterior of the building in a place where there were only two settings on temperature, cold and colder. He felt that his conversation was finished with Saber so he walked back to the doors of the Church and stood still for a moment. Dante was uncomfortable to walk in there to meet the Supervisors but it was necessary. He gently pushed up the doors to the Church and walked in to see the two Supervisors up on the nave and both Executioners and Orthodox Knights on seperate sides of the Church. He didn't say anything to the congregation after entering and simply sat down on a pew closest to the door but slightly in the shadows. [hr] [b]Berserker[/b] [i]Abandoned Warehouse, Uptown[/i] [hr] Information about him. How could one answer such a question? He remembered little about himself and more about his job. Basics, what he needed to remember was basics. Only one word appeared in the massive expanse that was inside Berserker's mind. Thor. It was quite obviously a name, perhaps his but he wasn't sure. He struggled to form the name on his lips to answer and nearly smashed his hammer into the ground in anger due to his failure. "Th...Thor. Name, Thor." Berserker said to his small Master. His deep voice rumbled throughout the building like thunder itself. It had been a long time since he heard his own voice. His own astonishment was short lived before he noticed the weight of something heavy in his hands, well heavy for a human. He looked down and saw a hammer, one which he knew well even in his current state. Now for another furious attempt to stutter out its name in anger. "Mj ..Mjölnir. Hammer" was all Berserker could say as he eventually gave into his anger. He tossed the hammer in the air once before throwing it at a steel crate left in the warehouse. The hammer smashed the crate into near nothing and practically shreaded the crate behind it as well. He quickly recalled Mjölnir to himself and looked back at his Master. She likely disagreed with his anger but Berserker cared little about what people cared for anymore.