[quote=@Lone Wanderer] [u][b]Part one: Information and Cosmetics[/b][/u] [b]Profession:[/b] History Professor [b]Name:[/b] Ryan Monroe [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Ryan Monroe] [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2013/282/e/e/falling_skies__noah_wyle____tom_mason__by_dnd313-d6pubns.png [/img] Sorry for the small picture, largest i could find that i thought fit the character [/hider] [b]Backstory:[/b] TBD [u][b]Part 2: Skills and Equipment[/b][/u] [b]Skills:[/b] Knowledge on modern and medieval history, minor first aid training, minor training in the use of a small firearm such as a pistol, Knows a little something about leadership and discipline, Reader and watcher of a variety of books and films on a variety of topics including the zombie apocalypse, oh and a germaphobe. [b]Starting Equipment:[/b] On him: Messenger bag, 1 book, cell phone, Pen and pencil with notebook, some student's papers (read:potential kindling), 1 bottle of water, some hygiene wipes (Yeah...) In apartment: Canned foods, bottles of water, more student's papers and books (great), General tools, among other things general to one's home such as duct tape [b]Starting Weapons:[/b] In apartment: .38 Revolver with 2 .38 bullets , hammer, variety of kitchen knives [b][u]Part three: Personality, Psychology and Physiology[/u][/b] Bravery (1 – 10): 6 Psychological Stability (1 – 10): 7 Reaction Speed (1 - 10): 6 Physical Strength (1 - 10): 5 Constitution (1 - 10): 10 = 4 Party Control: Yes [/quote] Accepted.