*chances a glance towards him, silently willing him not to open his desk, tensing as she watches the teacher's pen move down the list of names* [Pushing up his glasses, the teacher sighs, not even having to look up from the register as he marks his late arrival.] Ichiyo Yamamoto... I'm sure you know as well as I do that this simply isn't good enough. I don't expect it to happen again. Should you continue failing to meet the school's expectations- [The classroom door slides open and a short, cheerfully chubby woman walks in, waving casually to the students as if they were friends, some of them waving back, smiling.] Good mooorninnnggg, everyone! [The woman, who also happens to be the headmistress of Bunnyville High and the wife of the stern homeroom teacher, bounces over to the teacher's desk, embracing the bewildered man.] And how are YOU this morning, dear~? My oh my, late? He most certainly was NOT, you mean old thing! I saw him just a moment ago, looking flustered right outside the door when the bell rang! Bless, the poor sweetheart... Let me see that! [The woman daintily snatches the register from the teacher's hands while his face reddens, mouth agape, and Ichiyo Yamamoto's name is marked as being present on time, some of the students giggling and even clapping as the headmistress hands back the register triumphantly.] There now, all better! And see that you leave this poor sweet boy alone - I don't expect it to happen again! *relaxes in her chair, forgetting all about the cute bomb planted in her classmate's desk, relieved at the arrival of the headmistress* [colour=lightpink](Kyaaa, I'm so glad I employed her~! Someone needs to keep him in check~... And she's the embodiment of Bunnyville High's dream of teaching true kindness and joy to the students~!)[/colour] ^///w///^