Adrian blinked as her head hit his chin, looking at her with a small nod. He didn't quite believe her, but he would go along with it for now. He rested his head down, closing his eyes softly. His ears remained perked up, twitching slightly at any sound that he could hear. He was just beginning to drift off, when the sound of footprints hit his ears. His head snapped up, facing the open entrance. A low growl built in his throat, heaving his body up to his feet. He turned to face the entrance, his claws scraping again the ground. His hackles were raised, making him appear even larger then he already was. He was crouched slightly, ears pointed forward, listening to the footsteps coming closer. He would be quite the formidable person to come into contact with, and he hopes that his mere presence would simply be enough to deter anyone from thinking they can enter this room. [@Arista]