Drew has covered his ears with his hands to make the screaming stop ringing in his ears, his has shut his eyes shut he didn't want to be down here anymore. He pressed his crowbar close to his chest and put the box cutter in his pants pocket, he breaths slowly in and out. He finally gotten the courage enough to leave the minimal safety of under the desk. Though the terrible sounds coming from the rest of the lobby scared him shitless. He crawled out of under the desk and he lift himself up to look beyond the desk, he wished he didn't. He was sick to his stomach as he seen the infected child and the mangled throat of the lady laying on the ground. He audibly gagged barely keeping the bile down, and he sat back to the ground. He turned on his phone again, it was such a short time when he last check, and a woman was already dead. He quickly looked over the desk and gotten a better look of the dead woman, she was his neighbor, Maria Garcia. she was far too nice for that to happen to her, He sat back down again and he pulled out his notepad and a pen and crossed out her name from the list and added RIP next to her name. He remembered what the girl he waved at said before the shit hit the fan, she said she wasn't sure if the upper floors were any safer than here. Should he risk it and try to head upstairs to his room? The girl gestured they should leave. He finally gotten up to his feet the first time in the last while. He held his crowbar for dear life. He walked slowly and quietly to the stairs, if things goes from bad to worse he will run for his room.