[b]Five Points Station/Metropolitan, Atlanta, Georgia United States of America[/b] [center][i]One Day Before[/i][/center] One hundred and fourty miles. That was the distance between Atlanta and Birmingham. A two hour car drive at most but walking said distance took Tori and Benjamin took a week and three days. They couldn't stay on the interstate otherwise they would encounter infected so they stuck to the railways running between the two. The car was abandoned back in Birmingham. It raised the chance of attracting the attention of infected or bandits which meant they had to walk all the way to Atlanta hoping that there was a safe place there. Walking a mile wasn't too difficult but the walking of miles everyday had worn on the pair. Spirits were low and supplies were starting to run thin as little hope held out that anywhere was safe at all. Five Points Station was the final stop along their journey between the two cities and one which they hope would bear fruit unlike the others along the way. But hopes weren't always fulfilled no matter how hard one tried. It was obvious from a distance that Five Points was not safe enough to stay at with quite a few infected shambling across the tracks and on the platform. The feeling of trying as hard as possible to find safety and failing hit the pair hard under the noon sun. Tori stiffled tears as they walked up to Marietta street. Cars abandoned long ago were scattered in the road. A few corpses littered the ground, some were human others infected. After thirty minutes of walking, the pair arrived at Metroploitan. The apartment buildings were obviously upper end which meant looters probably had already gone through there which meant it was safe from bandits at the very least. "I..I think we should stay here for the night. Maybe we can find some supplies in there which haven't been taken or completely ruined." Tori said to Benjamin as they stood in the foyer. Benjamin was slow to answer Tori with a dejected "Sounds like a plan." as they walked as silently as possible through the ransacked foyer. Of course there would be nothing supply wise in foyer but there were three spare keys to rooms in the Metropolitan. Searching through the apartments gave no more than a few cans of food which Tori placed into her backpack. The third room they searched was on the fourth floor and near the stair well. It seemed like somebody had prepared to stay in that room by blocking the door with a dresser which Benjamin promptly moved out of the way. The bed itself was thrown on the floor and the covers were taped over the windows. The TV which had been in the room was stolen long ago but several candles were strewn throughout the room showing signs of having been used, though not recently. The pair decided to shack down in the room for the night. Their hopes were to move on once again in the morning to find survivors in the area and scavenge for supplies while they could.