[Clearing his throat, the teacher proceeds to read out the notices for the day, clinging to his dignity. Nodding to his wife politely as she heads for her office, a smile passes over his lips despite the frequent embarrassments she brings him. Returning his attention to the papers in front of him, he continues to read.] ...in addition, the preparations for the school exhibition will begin following lunchtime, taking place in the auditorium. All students will be asked to sort themselves into groups and decide on a project together. Oh, as a side note... Please try not to go completely overboard with the haunted house exhibit this year. There always is one, and last year things got out of hand... Remember, we expect you to tidy up after yourselves as well. So no fake blood drenching the floorboards, understood? [At this, nearly everyone nods rigidly, some of the more mischievous boys grinning.] *freezes at the word "groups", panic rising in her* [colour=lightpink](Oh why, whyyy does it always have to be in groups~?!)[/colour] >///< [colour=lightpink](You can already tell who'll go with who, and some of those whosies aren't very productive together~...!)[/colour] *casts her eyes over at the class clowns* [colour=lightpink](As for me~... W-well, I'm fine working on my own~! At least that way I'm not a hindrance to anyone~... It puts my mind at ease, and I can relax on my own, instead of trying to struggle with the intricacies of conversation I can just focus on the task~ Actually, what will my project be~...? I can't let anyone out-cute me~...!)[/colour] [The ringing bell signals the end of homeroom, everyone rising to stand before bowing and filing out of the classroom.] *checks her timetable, never able to remember where to go despite having the exact same routine for so long* [colour=lightpink](Let's see~... Oooh, Dreamology~! Naptime and doodling is the best way to start the day~!)[/colour] :3 [colour=lightpink](...Though in my current predicament, that last part might be kinda... impossibubble~...)[/colour] T///w///T *hops into the slide leading to the basement of the school where the Dreamology class is located, chosen for the lack of windows, saving the trouble of trying to block out the light* [The walls and fuzzy carpet of the basement classroom are a soft, powder blue, a cloud mural on the walls, with shooting stars and rainbows, the only light in the center of the ceiling, a slowly rotating shade around it projecting stars spinning around the room, multicoloured cloud-shaped, pod-like beds all around the room, with a circular low desk directly below the light, notebooks lying open for people to doodle their dreams the moment they wake up and try to decipher their meaning. Allocated to each cloud bed is a matching nightcap and blanket designed by the students themselves.] *toddles over to the only pink bed and settles into the fluffy cloud, putting on the pink nightcap nearby and pulling up the pink blanket featuring a bunny with the horn of a unicorn sitting in front of a castle, other students getting into their favourite beds with their own designs, even the misbehaving boys seeming calmer and uninterested in causing trouble*