[quote=@Hael] [@Frettzo] That is...the best, most beautiful, awesome, brilliant banner I've ever seen in an RP. EVER. You are truly [color=ed1c24][b]OUR THE Graphic Designer[/b][/color] --- [@Kho] Apoligies for the eternal barrage of questions I've leveled at you, but I have more. So prepare yourself: -What are your rules on posting more than once per turn? -Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like? -When do you think Demigods will enter into the RP? Do you yet have an idea/plan for it? Alright, I think that's all... [i]...for now[/i] [/quote] Worry not! My whip has been cooled (for the time-being) and I am feeling generous, so I'll answer your questions (something I would never do otherwise, obviously) 1) You can post as many times per turn as you can fit in. So long as you are actually writing relevant things which progress the storyline etc. 2) I have absolutely no idea what this question means O.O how did you even... 3) Demigods will enter the RP the moment two gods get the zingaching going. Or when a god gets the zingaching going with a creation (so far, that's trees and ants, so if you're really desperate...:D <-- troll face)