The rest of Hideaki's festival experience following his departure from the student council food stand was a blur of repetition and mundanity. He exchanged trite pleasantries with his archery club associates and his classmates, purchased snack foods from competing stands - even with his increasing lack of appetite - simply to spite his childhood friend in the most petty way imaginable, tried his hand at some of the activities, and, at the end of it all, he was left with nothing but his own devices. Though it might have been seen as lonely by some, Hideaki thought that such a solitary situation was ideal for observing the mainstay of the festivities. It was just him snacking down on a stick of yakitori as he waited for the scheduled fireworks to begin. From the hilltop patch of grass he had made his territory, the keen eyed archer surveyed the festival grounds. Even from this far, he could make out such minute details: Half-Ass-ka (truly Hide was a comedy genius of the highest calibre) closed down her precious stand even when he [i]knew[/i] there was still some [i]fucking stock back there and so did she god fucking da[/i]- ...And then there was the dude wearing Asuka's cat mask, darting about like a mad person as he was pursued by a greenet who looked like he was doing his best to emulate Assassin's Creed, with mixed results. Hideaki had to admit the whole scene was very televisionesque, complete with blunders and bystander bumping. A flash of light from his upper peripheral and the resulting boom attracted the archer's attention aloft for the ascending pyrotechnic display. Nevermind the events down below, there was a show to be seen above. Wait. That couldn't be right. Hideaki took off his glasses and narrowed his eyes as a lazy, purple flare crossed the sky. The trailing firework was very out of place, definitely a far cry from the others detonating around it. He dropped his gaze to the festival, caught site of one of his archery club members, and went down to approach. "[color=39b54a]Excuse me, Koizumi-san, but did you see the weird firework?[/color]" he asked. When he received a negative response from his underclassmen and a question of why he asked, Hide answered, "[color=39b54a]No reason, just thought it was odd. Probably just a trick of the eye or a smudge on my glasses.[/color]" Whatever it was, it looked to originate from the shrine... ...and, more importantly, a quick scan of the relevant area told him that he wasn't the only person who caught sight of the phantasm. "[color=bc8dbf]Alright,[/color]" Hideaki made his way towards the shrine, "[color=bc8dbf]I'll bite.[/color]"