Meanwhile as the group attempted to form themselves. A figure in purple sat perched atop the rooftops over looking the town's ceasefire zone, the group and all their activities in clear view as she watched them through a sniper scope. The rouge assassin wasn't planning to kill the group of hero's not yet anyway, no she had her sights set on another who attempted harm against the group she was sent to watch, even as he used an explosion to mask his escape the assassin was still able to follow him. Quickly she turned to a device on her wrist that allowed her to find different radio frequencies in the area, for her helmets built in headset to pick up and soon very found the one she was looking for, activating her headset in order to talk to the agent, this of course drowned out any one else talking to the agent over his own headset. "Hello there, let me introduce myself. I am known as Storm, you might have heard of my work. I am assuming that this is the man that just now attacked the group I have been watching? I have a proposition for you if you are willing to hear me out"