[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/EQDuN2F.png [/img][/center] Sam failed to recall the events leading up to entering the mansion. He had a power nap on the helicopter, and was probably losing his mind sobering up in every other instance. Nonetheless, by the time he reached the mansion, Sam was wide awake. There were others there already, whom he greeted with a simple smile and nod, not wanting to engage any of them just yet. He wasn't too sure what they would have to do, and it would be much easier for Sam to engage if he had even the slightest idea of the purpose of this congregation. Restlessly pacing across the main floor, Sam took it all in. [color=powderblue][i]Dope set-up.[/i][/color] He opted not to take a drink, refusing to make a negative first impression on his benefactor. Around him, he saw a couple others around his age: some nervous, a few even angry. Sam was a bit nervous himself, but he was accustomed to embracing that feeling rather than struggle with it. [color=powderblue][i]And this must be head suit...[/i][/color] Wesley's words were serious, but to Sam they felt pretentious. It was almost condescending how powerful he had made himself out to be, but he probably had the resources to back it up. Sam couldn't really complain: the guy managed to deliver his letter in front of a building he had no real plan of being inside, flew him first-class to Haiti, stuck him on a helicopter, and now offered housing in a mansion sitting on his own private island. [color=teal]"This fucking guy,"[/color] Sam uttered under his breath. At the end of Wesley's speech, Sam began making his way up the stairs. He could hear Nathan start on the introduction, but Sam intended on making himself comfortable before overcoming the inevitable awkwardness of introducing himself as a superhero to a bunch of other [i]kids[/i] that were also recently considered superheroes. He sprinted down the hall and searched for a room facing east. He enjoyed the luxury of being woken up by the sun back in both D.C. and Richmond, and that familiarity couldn't hurt in a place as alien to him as this. Whilst unpacking, Sam felt himself quickly adjusting to the situation. He couldn't change circumstance, but he could at least accept [i]this[/i].