"Creatures? Stormtroopers typically. Though with the lack of tech I wouldn't put it past them using beasts." There was a beep coming from one of the Houk. Tadias stance changed, was this a bomb? A ploy? Though then the droid looked at him then back. "Well something else requires my attention." He looked around, then pointed at the Sai (([@baskets]. "The pilots in charge, it is her ship. She can delegate anyone else to be in charge on the ground but until then she's in charge." The Houk and Weequay started filing out of the hanger, the droid remained. "The ships preparing to jump to hyperspace. We're only a half hours jump away, an alarm will sound just before we drop out of hyperspace so you can get into the ship and get ready. It's up to you all now." With that the droids lights changed to a light yellow, looking at the beings in the room it just walked out of the room. Kindly excusing itself. Tadia just clapped her hands and walked over and picked up six of the little devices. [i][color=a0410d]"Alright, [i]boss[/i] what's the plan?"[/color][/i]