Vanessa decided to get herself a new coffee and then do some research for the packs around here, maybe the one man she saw from a distance carrying the injured girl could help her! She took a walk to the hospital, sipping from her coffee and not rushing this time. That girl she had met first sure could use someone that would show her where she stood in this world, she shook her head and sighed. She was close to the hospital and smelled two wolves now, she waited for a few minutes, not really knowing what to do. She was a newbie in town and most packs didn't like it when newbies sniffed around in their territory but she really didn't know where else to go too meet other wolves. She took the last sip of her coffee and took a deep breath. She then entered the hospital and literally followed her nose, she saw two wolves standing together and she didn't know what to do now. As a omega she should not just step up to them but she didn't want to wait till they noticed her and would talk to her. One wolf asked the other what the status was, in his way of standing, talking, and looking at the other wolf she could tell he probably was a Aplha. Right what she actually needed! She did a few steps closer but then waited, they where probably busy with the pack member that was so injured.. She took a step back and decided to sit down on one of the chairs.