"Well guess we better get her in a closet with the lights out." So Riza ran out of the room, her suit still standing near the door. She headed to the medical room that Wolf was in. Riza rather have a chance of something working to nothing working at all. No matter the slim of percentage. Hopefully it would work. Conner, Wally and Meg'an watched as well, worried for their family and friend as she laid there with hardly a chance to live. Conner looked in a direction of a hallway when he thought he heard something coming their way from a distance. Soon he saw Riza come down running. "Guys! I think Strange and I know how to help Wolf. We need her in shadows, no light all. Its her healing factor, the only chance she has! Dr. Strange can help her." She looked to the team and the League Members that were trying to treat her, hoping they would give it a shot.