[b][i]The Kingdoms, a freshly signed band under the Red Kestrel record label. They mainly focus around alternative pop rock but the they do venture into a few other genres as well. A small band of five members and one manager who might as well be a member of the band, The Kingdoms are quickly beginning to take over the music scene. However it isn't all fame and glory, each of the band members including their manager are all hiding a secret. They aren't really human, instead they are all creatures only thought to exist in children's stories cleverly disguised as humans in order to survive along side them. With the bands growing fame and paparazzi lurking into their every move can they not only keep their secrets hidden from not only each other but from the rest of the world. [/i][/b] This would be an MxM RP with just six members including myself and would be done in a group PM for maturity reasons. All the positions in the band are open and are as follows: Singer, Lead Guitar, Bassist, Drummer, Keyboardist/Pianist and the Manager To keep things fair for everyone there would need to be an equal number of submissive characters to dominant characters. Seke characters would need to switch to fit the circumstances. All character species would need to be different to avoid peoples ideas about different species clashing and this would be a first come, first serve matter. To anyone interested this idea is open for expansion and twisting, this is just a basic idea that I've been wanting to do for a while.