[Marcus, Lauren, Ryika, Alice, Bran] “Birb” Ryika pointed at Alice. “Hey.” Lauren responds. Gasping for breath, Bran ran up to the group. “What are your names?” Alice repeated herself, slightly peeved at her question being ignored. “Lauren.” "Silent Thunder" “Cool. Nice to meet you Lauren and Silent,” Alice responded happily. [i] Silent Thunder is kind of a weird name, but okay![/i] [i]...She actually believes that that's her real name? ...[/i] Lauren gives Ryika a look and is about to say something, but gives it up and falls silent. Not worth the effort. Covered in head to foot in slowly drying blood, Marcus approaches the group and asks haltingly if anyone had a Word that could remove the blood on him. As it dried, the blood began to form an uncomfortable crust that cracked and flaked off whenever he moved. “Err… no. I just have the word ‘wings’,” replies Alice. "Can't you use that to make the blood fly off?" Lauren points out. “How?” Alice tilts her head, confused. "Just... Imagine the blood flying off of him? If you can make yourself fly, you should be able to." “But.. my wings allow me to fly,” Alice says hesitantly. "They'd have to be huge. Or flap much faster." “So... you’re saying that the word ‘wings’ allows me to make things fly? And that that’s the reason why I’m hovering right now?” Alice asks. "Probably. Just a guess." [i]It's the only thing that makes sense.[/i] “Alright, I’ll try it then!” Alice exclaims enthusiastically. She closes her eyes and pictures all of the blood flying off of Marcus. "Thanks!" Marcus exclaims as he watches all the blood on himself literally fly off of himself. Being clean again was a nice feeling. Unfortunately, not everyone was as lucky as Marcus, as the blood splatters on everyone else. "KYAAAHH!!!" Lauren squeaks in surprise and disgust. “Ewww!” Alice then imagines the blood flying off of herself, making the blood re-splatter on Marcus [i]and[/i] everyone else. "Really?!" Both Lauren and Marcus burst out, blood flinging off their hands as they throw them up into the air. “I’m sorry!” Alice says, flabberghasted. [i]Oops. I did that without thinking.[/i] "Eugh..." Lauren sighs in frustration, annoyance, and just general DONENESS. She Transmits all the blood as far away as she can see. It may or may not land on someone else. Giving Lauren a look of gratitude, Marcus takes a look at the rest of the group. Some words were exposed, others weren't. One girl was flying, but others weren't using their words as obviously. "I'm Marcus." He says. “Hi Marcus, my name is Alice! And my word is ‘wings’!” Alice introduces herself cordially. "That's nice." Marcus responds. [i]Girl, why the [u]hell[/u] would you choose wings?[/i] "Thanks!" Ryika had bolted away once the blood had splattered on her, heading towards the main campus again. She stopped 30 feet away from the group before getting splattered by more blood. "Fueeeeeeeee~!" Ryika was blinded by the spray of partially crusted blood transmitted by Lauren. She blindly ran by the buildings, knocking into both bystanders and monsters in her path. *klyiish plinkplinkplink* Ryika slams into a window face first, shattering the glasses and flipping forward over the ledge. *unconscious* Residents off class one stare at the bloodied mass from the window. “She dead” was the last thing Ryika heard before blacking out.