Alexis just nodded, as she put the head on her project. "I've never been big on heavier suits, shields of every stripe can only take so much abuse before they give out. That said, I'm looking forward to seeing what all your prototype will do. Alexis's now finished 'chimaera' was a kit bash to the truest extent, with parts used from no less the 6 other suits to create this one suit. only weapons it seemed have where the Beam Sabers who's holders where glued to the back skirt and the Head Vulcans. "I'm ... not totally sure yet, but I'm thinking ... an I-Field generator, and maybe Trans-Shift Armor. Basically force every one to fight it in melee range, because the only weapons it's got are the Beam Sabers and Head Vulcans" Alexis paused, and looked at the Death Scythe head, with a Nu Gundam Crest glued on to it " ... Maybe Beam Vulcans in stead ..." Alexis really thinking out loud at this point