[quote=@Genni] How about 'She-Wolf'? 'Vixen'? 'Valkyrie'? 'Blitz'? 'Knockout'? 'Tank Girl'? :hehe[/quote]She-Wolf doesn't really work. Vixen & Knockout focus to much on hher good looks. Tank Girl is insulting she is not a girl she is a lady. I was thinking Agent USA. [quote=@Genni][url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Doppelganger_Morphing]Doppelgänger Morphing[/url]? [/quote]Samething, I just use the name used on the Marvel Database wikia for Mystique's abilities. [@Weird Tales] Texan Ammerican is not a nationality. His nationality is American.