If I can indeed control Gradiar, I was wondering if it would be possible to change the House name from Tahren to Aublanc. I took a house CS from the other Fatal Souls thread and started working a bit to see what you think. [hider=House Aublanc of Gradiar] [u]House Name[/u] House Aublanc Sigil [img]http://i.imgur.com/W82NtKG.jpg[/img] [u]House Words[/u] "The Bloodline is Precious." [u]House Specialty[/u] Pferdjager Cavalry – The first nation to put archers on horseback, Gradiar's specialty lies with their unique cavalry unit. Especially useful for hunting and protecting herds, the Pferdjager have also made important appearances in the warfare of House Aublanc. Each rider must be a skilled equestrian with well developed leg muscles, for the use of a bow requires the rider to temporarily ignore the reigns. Though lightly armored during the hunt, the Pferdjager mounted cavalry is a heavy unit during battles, with both rider and mount being outfitted with heavy chainmetal skirts and interlocking metal plates. These heavier units form irregular, rapidly swirling lines advancing in seemingly-chaotic unison that converge in the center of their opponent, raining volleys of arrows the entire time. Some lighter units might also be utilized for flanking and for fighting smaller groups of enemies with the Ababi shot, a military tactic that involves archers engaging and retreating from an enemy while turning their upper bodies backwards and shooting behind their mounts. [u]Ancestral Weapon[/u] l'Odyssa – A longbow created for the founder of House Aublanc, Fleur the Merchant, to signify the completion of his journey across the known world, bringing back the riches that would be used to lay the foundations of his grand house. Crafted by the master bowyer of legend, Iphitus Eurytus, l'Odyssa is a beautiful thing with its ornate bone centerpiece, thick yew limbs, and curling platinum horns. Not every man is able to string this great bow from nook to nook, for it's strong body stands over five feet tall with smooth, rolling curves. [u]Important Members[/u] [hider=Aublanc Family] Florus Aublanc Florian Aublanc III Meline Aublanc Martine Aublanc [/hider] [u]Small Council[/u] Chancellor Sentinel Steward Master of Shadows Master of War High Priest [u]Vassals[/u] House Aryllin, Duchy of Lionsreach House Hoying, Duchy of Pipersden [u]Realm[/u] The Kingdom of Gradiar in the Lower Midlands, Upper Lowlands [u]Primary Holding[/u] Keep of the Roses - Aberfin Porth - Vassal Holdings [u]Influence & Relations [/u] Terijas Veronia [u]Exports & Imports[/u] Aquaculture - Squid Horses - Ore – Tin, Copper, Platinum. [u]Recent History[/u] [u]Other Information[/u] N/A [/hider]