[hider=Kelly Nirvana, updated, again] 1) Basic info: ◾Name: Kelly Nirvana ◾Team/occupation: Beacon Student ◾Species: Human ◾Age: 17 ◾Sex: Male ◾Handedness: Right ◾Aura/Effects: Green ◾Symbol: A green and black jester's hat ◾Physical traits: ◾Misc traits: ◾Nickname(s): The Green Jester (by his former criminal associates) 2) Appearance: ◾Height: 5'9 ◾Weight: 160lbs ◾Eyes: Forest green ◾Face: Elfish features, always looks like he's about to do something mischeivous ◾Hair: Messy, emerald green ◾Physique: Fit ◾Combat Outfit: A black suit jacket left open with his symbol on the back, a green t-shirt, jeans, and a featureless full face mask ◾Casual Outfit: A green t-shirt, jeans 3) Characteristics: ◾Personality: He believes two things: people who have the power to help others have a duty to do so, which is why he had such a difficult time reconciling what he had been doing in his past with his own values, and why he finally left, he also believes that the best way to survive the hardships of a life dedicated to helping others even at the expense of his own safety and happiness, as well as the horrible things he's done in his past is laughter, he tries to see the positive in life, despite the cynicism his previous life as a criminal taught him ◾Background: Kelly's father was a Huntsman who died in the line of duty, his mother was a librarian who, soon after her husband's death became very sick, Kelly spent most of the family's money on his mother's medical care, he was forced to drop out of combat school and fell in with the Three Bears Gang, he used his combat training to do jobs for them in order to pay for both his mother's medical bills and his own necessities, mostly mid level thug work and bodyguarding, but as he got more skilled he earned a reputation as being willing to do almost anything, and people started calling him the Green Jester, desperation drove him to do things he'd previously considered inconceivable, like murder for hire, espionage, and blackmailing, as he got deeper and deeper into the criminal underworld he kept grappling with his conscience, the final straw for him was being ordered to kidnap a child for ransom, he refused to do it, he managed to kill the thugs sent after the family of the boy he hadn't kidnapped, he used his remaining criminal contacts to get the family new identities, then vanished himself, his mother is still alive, but Kelly has negotiated a deal with Professor Ozpin where he gets accepted into Beacon, and all his earnings for Hunter missions are spent on his mother's medical care, in exchange for evidence in several criminal investigations, he has made it a point since then to cut himself off from his criminal past 4) Combat info: ◾Position/Class: Striker/Rogue ◾Landing strategy: Use a wind round to slow his fall ◾Weapon: Bloody Grin and Broken Laughter, a pair of revolvers with a blade that folds under the barrel on each gun, Bloody Grin is loaded with normal .357 rounds, Broken Laughter is loaded with a variety of Dust rounds, each gun holds eight rounds at a time ◾Semblance: Mind's Eye, with eye contact Kelly can read surface thoughts, with sustained eye contact, longer than thirty seconds, he begins to delve deeper into his target's mind, which causes him to be unable to move other than to remove his gaze from his target to break the connection, he recieves all information the same way the person he's reading thinks, for instance if a person thinks in pictures Mind's Eye gives Kelly his target's thoughts as images, if the target thinks in words, Kelly hears their thoughts, surface thoughts are literally whatever is running through the target's head at that exact moment ◾Fighting style: Fast and brutal, Kelly shoots most enemies, either with bullets or Dust, as necessary, but when he needs to fight at melee range he gets up close and personal with his knives, he uses his Semblance to give himself an edge on individual opponents and aims to end any fight as fast as possible 5) Trivia: ◾Relationships: ◾Notes: Kelly is a shade of green, his nickname came from the fact that when he was working as a criminal he'd worn a mask and jester hat and acted in an unpredictable manner during business deals in order to conceal his identity, most of the people who hired him don't know his real identity, so they just use the name he gave them for the purpose of the deal: Green, or his nickname ◾Tropes: [/hider] I'm not really sure why the cylinders on Bloody Grin are a problem, care to explain? Kelly isn't a criminal type as you put it, he used to be a criminal, but he's dedicated himself to being a Huntsman now, I can't really take that out of his backstory without a major overhaul of the character as a whole