Noel crossed her arms and slowly paced again, but this time towards the bottom left bed before slowly taking a seat on it as she listened to the girls speak. Noel was already pissed as it is at this so-called facility. Actually, she's probably been pissed this whole time ever since she woke up. However Noel wasn't expressing this. It would be best not to at least, otherwise she'd be giving off a bad first impression. Noel hopes she's doing an alright job with that. Noel then looked up at the door Vanessa had to exit through; like Vistra, Noel also wondered what was going on with Vanessa. Same thing whatever Cinia went through? Something different? Can't really tell...not yet at least. Noel gently leaned against the side of the ladder that stood against the bunks and exhaled, "Honestly, I'm getting an 'unpredictable' vibe...yet a 'not surprising' one too. You get me? Like yea something bad is probably going to happen, but if we wake up in a pit of lava next I will seriously not be surprised. ...Or something like that," Noel shared her perspective on the place. "That just...seems like something that could happen...pfft I dunno," Noel shrugged.