[b]Plain[/b] [i]Abandoned Apartment, Downtown[/i][hr]Plain gives a satisfied smile after Lancer's well-mannered response, although her smile fades slightly when he comes to ask her for instruction. To be honest, she hardly knew sort of orders she might need to give in order to win this [i]"Holy Grail War"[/i], but she knew enough that she would not like it. Regardless, this was her purpose. It was all she knew, besides the simple, emotionless instruction to [i]"Wait"[/i] she had received shortly upon waking. "Well," she starts plainly. "For starters, I suppose we must hurry along to meet with the Supervisors of this little ritual. I would have you escort me there, Servant Lancer~" She finishes her instructions with a flourish and a smile, and while her tone is plain and unexcited, the look of her smile seems to say that she was looking forward to this. She didn't know what she might encounter at the location in her mind, but she knew it would probably be interesting. [i]More interesting[/i], she hazards to assume, [i]even than what has already happened.[/i] The mere thought of this possibility set her figurative heart aflutter, and the War was only just starting. Certainly, there would be plenty more adventures in store for her yet. And, with Mister Cu at her side, too. That might be the most exciting part of all. [hr][b]Archer[/b] [i]Church on the Hill, Interior[/i][hr]Her Master got straight to the point. Archer liked that. So, the two of them start walking, headed wherever Marie thought to lead the two of them, and they began to discuss basic strategies for the coming battle. "I understand that you are being sheltered by the Church, but will this place truly serve as our base of operations? Is this land not Neutral territory during the War?" This was an obvious contradiction. If the Church was neutral territory, then it would hardly be fair to the other combatants for one of the Master-Servant pairings to be sheltered here. Of course, this served as a definite advantage to the two of them, but this inquiry also led to the most important question in all of this. Continuing, Archer points out what she's been thinking from the start. "Girl, you do intend on winning the Grail War, do you not? I did not ask you in the presence of your superiors, for various reasons, but now that we are alone, would you tell me your wish? I can hardly swear my sword to a Master who will not communicate their intentions." Archer's expression was piercing, and without a single trace of hesitation. All that could be seen was a strict, critical process of thought, an analysis of her Master's thoughts and intentions through her facial features and tone of voice. It was like an interrogation. Definitely not Archer's style, but something like this was necessary to get out of the way at the start, lest it cause problems for the two of them further down the line. It would also serve to help Archer get a better idea of her Master's character, separated from the influence of those men in the Chapel. Archer intended on winning this War, regardless of her Master's intentions. If she had no desire for the Grail, so be it. She had her own reasons to seek that bloody, ill-natured chalice.