[hider=Violet Lightwood] 1)Basic info: ◾Name: Violet Lightwood ◾Team/occupation: Beacon student ◾Species: Human ◾Age: 17 ◾Sex: Female ◾Handedness: Right, but trained to fight with two weapons ◾Aura/Effects: purple ◾Symbol: A violet flower with a thin gold ribbon curled in a spiral around it ◾Physical traits: ◾Misc traits: ◾Nickname(s): Vi 2) Appearance: ◾Height: 5'8 ◾Weight: 120lbs ◾Eyes: Jade green ◾Face: Thin, angular, brown skinned ◾Hair: Purple, straight, and shoulder length ◾Physique: Slim, athletic ◾Combat Outfit: Purple crop top and a black jacket that she wears open, tight white, knee length leggings ◾Casual Outfit: same, minus the jacket and with a pair of ankle length white form flattering pants 3) Characteristics: ◾Personality: Cheerful, joking, and surprisingly wise, has a habit of nicknaming everyone around her, she tries to help anyone she can, particularly her friends ◾Background: Violet's father was a Huntsman who died during a mission when Violet was ten, she inherited her father's weapons, which she still uses, re-sized to fit her considerably smaller arms, Violet taught herself how to fight and at seventeen was accepted into Beacon 4) Combat info: ◾Position/Class: Controller/Fighter ◾Landing strategy: Uses her chains to slow her fall, either by wrapping them around something that can break or slow her fall, or by shooting Blizzard out and creating an ice slide, she tries to avoid doing that as she isn't all that great at Dust manipulation, and the opportunities for fatal mistakes in that situation are a bit more numerous than she likes ◾Weapons: Inferno and Blizzard, a pair of magnetically propelled battle chains attached to a pair of bracers, each chain has a weight at the end containing a Dust crystal, fire for Inferno, ice for Blizzard, so that whenever Inferno hits something it triggers an explosion, and whenever Blizzard hits something it freezes whatever it hits ◾Semblance: Polarity ◾Fighting style: uses her Semblance to extend and retract her chains, as well as manipulate them in battle when necessary, Violet is a strategist, and is always thinking while she fights 5) Trivia: ◾Relationships: Violet makes friends easily as she's a cheerful and friendly individual ◾Notes: ◾Tropes: [/hider] Though on second thought I'd prefer to RP Violet, though I have no problem sticking with Diana if you prefer